
Friday, March 31, 2023

Amethyst Tiling Windows On Mac


  • shift option j/k to select window
  • shift option cntrl j/k swap sides (SHIFT ALT ENTER SAME)
  • shift alt space cycle modes: tall, wide, fullscreen, column
  • shift ctrl alt t = disable amethyst

im trying to get my wpm up


my abandonware has Mavis Beacon. Im running it on retropie on a pi zero with the wavy ergonomic windows keyboard.


ai marketing tools

use it to write headlines

Tracy Chapman Fast Car

tracy chapman

d a f#m e

f#m d f#m d
d f#m e

Thursday, March 23, 2023

typing faster

10 fast fingers

hugo no cache

hugo --noHTTPCache

using screen

  • control a then d to detatch
  • screen -r to reconnect
  • ctrl a c = new window
  • ctrl a n ctrl a p = next / prev window


  • ctrl b then C create
  • ctrl b then n or p for nex/ prev
  • ctrl b % horiz split
  • ctrl b " vertical split
  • ctrl b o switch to other one
  • ctrl b d detatch
  • tmux attach

splitting window

  • ctrl a s horizontal
  • ctrl a | pipe is vertical split
  • ctrl a tab = switch tabs

touch cmd

  • you can do touch file{1..10} it will increment the file names till 10 !!

theres a calender in linux

its called cal

convert webm to mp4

ffmpeg -i vid.webm vid.mp4

dl only part of a playlist

--playlist-start 10 will start it at the tenth video

  • i '3:10' might do from 3 to the 10th?
    or --playlist-items 10-20

Sunday, March 12, 2023

css sonnet

Oh, cascading style sheets, thou art like waves
That crash upon the rocks with fierce delight,
In rhythmic motion, dancing as it paves
Its path of beauty, shining in the light.

The sea ess ess, a force of nature grand,
A masterpiece of art and engineering,
A symphony of design, to command
The web with elegance and endearing.

As glacial erosion slowly shapes
The mountains and the valleys of our earth,
So sea ess ess, with time, takes its firm drapes
And sculpts a site of lasting worth.

Like waves that ebb and flow, so time doth pass,
And sea ess ess endures, a thing of timeless class.