
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Keyboard reccccomended

Targus Keyboard
I invested in a nice 100ish dollar keyboard once, Logitech Bluetooth one from Best Buy unfortunately lost it when I was sick. I had this stomach problem I felt like i needed to throw up but couldnt. Instead of sticking fingers down my throat I decided to drink… I dont usually even drink but I decided to go all in and planned my night around it. I bought groceries for my post puke recovery all these healthy foods. But then I blacked out in a park and woke up sleep walking down the street and my backpack was gone and so was my keyboard. I told this. To Nelson and he seed “ go get help go get therapy”.

Anyway I went to London drugs on grandville and found a sweet deal for this keyboard the “Targus Multi-platform Bluetooth AKB55TT” for 19.99$.

Its lightweight runs in AAA bats. V portable weighs nothing “ feels like I’m wearing nothing at all”.

Price and weight and BT are very important to me. I don’t wanna be carrying around a brick. My goal was to get the laptop typing experience with my phone. To replace my laptop because i cant live life worrying about a 2000$ MacBook getting stolen or rained on. I cant afford to keep loosing these keyboards. This one has served me wonderfully. In 2023 this is what i found at London drugs closest to the ol’ faithful.

There’s a similar clone on amazon I’ve seen floating around. Ive also seen a white model some Japanese knock off at value village.

It would be really sweet to have 300 bucks to blow on a keyboard with mechanical switches custom key caps.

It sucks loosing a keyboard. Especially a really nice one ugh. It’s been 4 years.
Ive been taking good care of my stuff.
Haven’t lost anything haven’t blacked out. It bugged me being told to go get help.

nobody’s around when you need them and i was doing my best to take care of myself i just went a little to far.

even if i didnt black out i was already against the idea of having an expensive thing that could be easily lost. I lost and it just depended me into the search for a disposable alternative. Just in case. Because everything is temporary. I didnt want to be heavily invested in something that had a monopoly over my ability to write, like my MacBook. Still got the MacBook, upgraded the battery, upgraded the phone battery too I take good care of my stuff.

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