how to install fzf in vim
add this to your .vimrc
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
and this further down
nnoremap fr :Files
# I've got it triggered with Space F -R like doom emacs
I tried to use fzf before and was unsuccessful
apt installing it wasn't enough
installing junegun/fzf wasn't enough either
you need all 3 for it to work
the next hurdle you have to jump over is set a keybind
vim spellcheck
:set spell
- s[ search next mispelled word
- z= that brings up a list of corrections
- :set nospell turns it off
ctrl o: temporary normal mode
ive been using this one a whole lot lately.
with emmet i have comma in normal mode to expand html.
it gets really confusing switching back and forth between modes all the time. being able to slip in and out without ever leaving insert has real potential for some slick typing
p ctrl o comma coma
its gonna take some getting used to to work that into muscle memory but it will be worth it.
ctrl o o = jump line staying in insert mode
dealing with splits in vim
ctrl w r = swap panes
ctrl w c = close panes
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