Saturday, March 30, 2024


sooperlooper is really great I forgot.
I was missing mobius and looking around for that one but it hasnt been updated in years and now it wont run on modern macs.
its sad thats a dead project because that was my favourite looper on windows.

was digging around. I tried superlooper before but it wasnt jiving.

Tried installing it again this time it said the typical mac warning
I think thats what stopped me last time
the work around is you hod ctrl (or was it alt?)
and it gives you the option to run the file.

AND IT WORKED!! i was able to load it in auhost.
next problem i wasn't getting audio.

  • you need to turn up the monitoring. ( theres 2 monitoring options)
  • turn up main monitor!

last time i went down a rabbit hole trying to get jack installed on mac. you don't need to mess around with that if you run the au plugin.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

css selectors

the example html

    <p>Paragraph 1</p>
    <span>Span 1</span>
    <p>Paragraph 2</p>
    <span>Span 2</span>

The Tilde

element ~ sibling {
    /* CSS styles */

This selector will match all sibling elements that come after the specified "element" in the HTML structure, provided they share the same parent element.

how is that different from p > span {} ?

he difference lies in the specificity of the selectors and the elements they target.

p ~ span {}: This selector targets all elements that are siblings of

elements, regardless of their depth in the HTML structure. It selects any that comes after a

within the same parent element.

p > span {}: This selector targets all elements that are direct children of

elements. It only selects elements that are immediate children of

elements, not any deeper in the hierarchy.

So, the key difference is in how they select elements based on their relationship in the HTML structure. The ~ combinator selects siblings that come after a specified element, while the > combinator selects direct children of a specified element.

whats the difference between p > span {} and p + span {} ?

The difference between p > span {} and p + span {} lies in the relationship they specify between the

and elements:

  1. p > span {}: This selector targets elements that are direct children of

    elements. It selects elements that are immediate descendants of


  2. p + span {}: This selector targets elements that are immediately preceded by a

    element. It selects the first sibling that directly follows a

    element in the HTML structure.

  • With p > span {}: Only "Span 1" would be selected because it is a direct child of a


  • With p + span {}: Only "Span 2" would be selected because it immediately follows a


css selectors similar to regex

In CSS, there are several selectors that resemble regular expressions in their pattern matching capabilities. These selectors allow you to target elements based on patterns in their attributes or content. Some of the commonly used ones include:

  1. Attribute Selectors: These selectors allow you to target elements based on the presence, value, or partial value of their attributes.

    • [attr]: Selects elements with the specified attribute.
    • [attr="value"]: Selects elements with the specified attribute and value.
    • [attr^="value"]: Selects elements with the specified attribute and a value that begins with "value".
    • [attr$="value"]: Selects elements with the specified attribute and a value that ends with "value".
    • [attr*="value"]: Selects elements with the specified attribute and a value that contains "value" anywhere within it.
  2. Pseudo-classes: These selectors allow you to target elements based on their state or position in the document.

    • :nth-child(n): Selects elements based on their position among their siblings.
    • :nth-of-type(n): Selects elements based on their position among elements of the same type.
    • :not(selector): Selects elements that do not match the specified selector.
    • :first-child, :last-child: Selects elements based on their position as the first or last child of their parent.
    • :first-of-type, :last-of-type: Selects elements based on their position as the first or last of their type among siblings.
  3. Combination Selectors: These selectors allow you to combine multiple selectors to target specific elements.

    • selector1, selector2: Selects elements that match either selector1 or selector2.
    • selector1 selector2: Selects elements that are descendants of selector1 and also match selector2.
    • selector1 > selector2: Selects elements that are direct children of selector1 and also match selector2.

While CSS selectors are not as powerful or flexible as regular expressions, they offer a wide range of options for targeting elements based on various criteria within the document structure and attributes.

css for safari reading list

you can export your reading list on desktop buts its ugly and unstyled by default. its a bunch of dt and dl tags (you don't see those often in the wild.

  1. use emmet ! tab to make some boilerplate html
  2. include this stylesheet (or create style tag)
  3. enjoy
	body, a{
		background-color: #333;
		font-family: monospace;
		color: #888;
		display: inline-block;
		padding: 10px;
		margin-bottom: 10px;
		text-align: center;
		width: 90%;
	dt >a {
		background-color: #444;
		border-radius: 10px;
	 a:hover {
			color: black;

Monday, March 25, 2024

css reset stylesheet

good way to override default browser styles at the head of a sheet before starting a project.

*::after {
    box-sizing: border-box;

* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

how to make appointments with google forms

choice eliminator lite is the plugin you add.
it removes options from the list as they get picked.
you can use it to schedule appointments.
another use could be for a potluck,
to maintain unique records.
prevent duplicate items like john bringing the hotdogs
jimmy wont see an option for hotdogs if its already been picked.

practical sheets
this guys channel is amazing for Gapp scripting things.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

going mad with broken links on github pages

when working on my site locally in the config.toml I change baseURL to "/" but when i put it on github I sometimes forget what its supposed to be.

baseURL = ''
canonifyURLs = true
  • canonifyURLs fixes it if you have relative and absolute links in the mix but I also read it can make it worse if you dont have your baseurl set properly??

Saturday, March 23, 2024

how to optimize your webpage - page speed insights

page speed insights
pretty cool tool it analyzes your websites loading times, accesibility, gives you tips to improve SEO, performace, best practices.

Friday, March 22, 2024

netlify cms troubles

I modified Eric Murphys hugo theme to my liking (dark themed), set it up to work with both quiqr as well as with decap cms. Had a link to it on netlify but have since removed it because I received an email from blogger saying my post was taken down for violating their TOS for malware!! going through all the code I don't see anything wrong with what I posted. when you visit the site you get redirected to a red page saying its deceptive and may be phishing. I've read that google will remove it from showing up in searches. I was reading the terms that you could get your blog deleted for repeat violations its scary because I don't understand what I did wrong in the first place. Im learning alot rn about setting verification for google search console to get more detailed error reports for websites. Ive read about people getting locked out of their netlify accounts in 2023 when some automated tool flagged uses as malicious. read about people who had sites with them and were managing multiple clients to get locked out suddenly. very scary if your building sites for people and your trying to make it easy for them by setting them up with a cms only to have the login page redirect to a red page warning about bad things. potentially disastrous for peoples reputations. Its eye opening, Im thankful this was just my test site, im disappointed though i Put a lot of time in trying to figure out how to use netlify to deploy now im thinking twice after seeing what could potentially go wrong. Ive read horror stories about people sharing their portfolios on linkedin and getting blacklisted because of things like this. It makes sense that the spammers are using free platforms to build accounts. Im still not entirely what the solution is. I think the name on my site might be it but i had another link and that one seems to not trigger any problems? 


the demo template for decap cms is many mbs. I get that they want to show off all their features but its almost a gig. eric murphys setup guide to netlify cms His template was what actually got me started using decap cms. The one they give you I didn't like it had too many mandatory fields.I prefer his because It is just enough to get started and not too much that its overwhelming.

imported some of my blog posts(from blogger then to wordpress to test wp post export feature) The template was simple enough to actually dig in and start to figure out what the files actually do and how they work.

reading through the decap docs on shortcodes they had a link to this to help you embed youtube videos (the instagram one is useless since they stopped access to their API) saw the same guy made a perfect hugo theme. Hugo-Theme-Serial-Programmer

I modded it to get rid of the cyan links, removed the social buttons, made the hover actions smaller. But other than that I think its a perfect basic blog template. I like this theme alot

  • jetbrains mono font
  • dark grey easy on the eyes
  • 10 out of 10

heres my version of the theme set up the models in quiqr cms to be able to build pages locally on my mac or linux or using decap cms on my phone.

I had trouble getting the login to work on manual installs instead of using the template. I found other people with had the same problem 

easy work around

because it takes you to root of your site
to fix this you have 2 options

  • put /admin/ before the token
  • or create the 4 html files in /static/admin
  • index, invitation, changeemail, confirmation

lorem ipsum but for photos

WOW this is great! you specify the dimensions in the url and what you want and you get a different one each time. I was modding the serial programmer theme to my liking, preparing it for use with decap cms as well as quiqr cms and noticed the pictures were different each time. Looking at the source I saw that url. very cool!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

free sites for e-commerce

gumroad - can sell digital products - they charge 10% on sales ecwid (next teir is 20$ a month or 15$ if annual) - can't sell digital goods on free tier - 5 product limit big cartel - 5 product limit - Sell online & in person - mobile app - 10$ a month gives you inventory tracking

Monday, March 18, 2024

how to setup decap cms for local development

in your hugo site /static/admin/config.yml add a line with:

local_backend: true
# run hugo serve and below command in ur site
#npx netlify-cms-proxy-server

that way you don't waste your netlify builds configuring your site.

migrate blogger/wordpress to hugo blog

there is also this wordpress plugin that lets you export your wp to hugo

Hugo themes

Classless Blog

Sunday, March 17, 2024

things i learned about singing today

Larynx tips

  • lip trills
  • tongue trills

These exercises help you internalize the feeling of a lowered larynx because to maintain the buzz tone your technique has to be correct. Using this as a diagnostic feedback is very useful.

Tips on placement

“biting an apple”

imagine your biting an apple opposed to yawning. thinking of a spectrum with the pharyngeal NG forward sound on one end and back of the throat roundness of a yawn. Apple bite is the best of both gives you a more balanced tone if your leaning too far in either direction.

dissecting vocal techniques under a microscope and dipping into extremes is useful to understand techniques but its nice to have something that helps you recalibrate back to normal.

I Like to learn by experimenting and feeling what too much feels like and working back from there. The learning and unlearning processes.

sing high notes without falsetto video by power to sing.

things i learned about singing today

Larynx tips

  • lip trills
  • tongue trills

These exercises help you internalize the feeling of a lowered larynx because to maintain the buzz tone your technique has to be correct. Using this as a diagnostic feedback is very useful.

Tips on placement

“biting an apple”

imagine your biting an apple opposed to yawning. thinking of a spectrum with the pharyngeal NG forward sound on one end and back of the throat roundness of a yawn. Apple bite is the best of both gives you a more balanced tone if your leaning too far in either direction.

dissecting vocal techniques under a microscope and dipping into extremes is useful to understand techniques but its nice to have something that helps you recalibrate back to normal.

I Like to learn by experimenting and feeling what too much feels like and working back from there. The learning and unlearning processes.

sing high notes without falsetto video by power to sing.

wordpress sqlite docker container

wordpress sqlite docker
my first time using docker wow.
struggling before to get the sqlite plugin to work in my xampp install of wordpress. kept fighting the permissions. by default everything is locked down heavy but that just lead me to heavy handedly chmodding all the permissions wide open to install themes (kind of gives me anxiety). The whole reason I was looking for sqlite was to run wordpress on my ipad.

Theres only a few php IDEs on ios. Draftcode ships with wordpress, phpmyadmin and sqlite. I went with webforge which has a more modern version of php.

darkness blog by adore themes

I like this wordpress theme alot darkness blog

quick wordpress with wp-now node package

uses wp-playground, wordpress with an sq-lite db in browser with wasm php pretty cool

Friday, March 15, 2024

blogger to wordpress to static site (dark theme)

I like this theme
dark elements
exporting my blogger blog as xml in the settings
then use blogger importer to import it into wordpress
tweak it a bit, then export the static site with wp2static
the elementor plugin is great for quickly laying out a site.
I like that I don't have to be stuck with wordpress this way.
WP kind of makes me anxious from what I read about it being hacked all the time. WP tends to get slow really easily with plugins so this is a cool work around. of course theres HTTrack for cloning sites.

Ive been liking hugo with this CMS called Quiqr took a little tweaking but I managed to convert my site with the coder theme to work. Tried a few other themes but too much hassle figuring out front matter as its not standardized across themes. Some fields just didn't populate. docs only get you so far. Seemed really promising but hasn't seen any action since 2022.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

fav brass patch for chipsynthmd Portafm

synthbrass 2 under DMXOPLL under wind category its simiarl to patch 24 horn on my yamaha pss170. Its a very soft brass patch blends nice with vocals quite possibly one of the greatest patches on the pss170

Saturday, March 9, 2024

rum and coca cola

simple 2 chord song
Bb and F


Friday, March 8, 2024

vocal warm up: all 12 keys with just 4 chords on ukelele

Chord Shape and Number Of times Used

shape1 shape2 shape3 shape4
Bb C# Eb F#
C F Ab
3 2 3 4

12= all 12 keys
(starting from Bb)









Tuesday, March 5, 2024

diff tool

pinetools has a diff tool Really handy!!
on my blog Ive added a script called hilightjs which adds syntax highlighting to codeblocks. ITS GREAT.
Problem is on blogger html entities and other code gets stripped out on the input forms WHICH SUCKS.

I end up having this nice looking code but when I go to run it KEY IMPORTANT PARTS ARE MISSING. so just to double check that my code didn't get screwed up after posting it i like to run it into a diff tool which compares the input with the output. Vim has a diff tool but this website has a bunch of other great things. I first found out about it when I was looking for a color picker.

safari reading list to csv

So you've added a bunch of links to the reading list but now you want to get them all at once out as csv?

  1. open safari on mac
  2. file export bookmarks
  3. it will save as Safari Bookmarks.html
  4. run this python script in that directory
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv

# Open the Safari Bookmarks HTML file
with open('Safari Bookmarks.html', 'r') as file:
    html_content =

# Parse HTML content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')

# Find the Reading List section
reading_list_section = soup.find('h3', id='')

# Check if the Reading List section exists
if reading_list_section:
    # Find all links in the Reading List section
    links = reading_list_section.find_next_sibling('dl').find_all('a')

    # Write links to CSV
    with open('reading_list.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
        writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
        # Write each link as a row in the CSV without a header
        for link in links:
            writer.writerow([link.get('href'), link.text.strip()])
    print("Reading List section not found in the HTML.")

there's also this one which grabs it from the source

a gotcha for this to generate the website you

  1. generate the json
  2. generate the thumbnails folder
  3. git clone the repo and cd into the website folder
  4. python3 'thejson' 'theimgfolder'
  5. it generates the static file in the website output folder

okay looking at the source i saw the path to the images is wrong in all of them but its an easy fix.
- wheen the static site files were created it created an extra folder you dont want its 'readinglistarchives'
- once you get rid of that your golden

cliptools update is sick, so is the textastic update

#cliptools cmd shift m to open menu cmd shift \ to sort lines - cmd shift colon removes html tags - cmd shift period remove empty spaces - cmd ] encode url - cmd shift } convert to html entity - shift option removes items in list itemone,titleone itemtwo,titletwo itemthree,titlethree <h2>command alt quote deletes the end tag???</h2> <p> whats good? everything else wraps around </p> #TEXTSTIC: for HTML - ctrl j selects inner html - ctrl shift d selects outer - ctrl shift t go to matching tag #REMOVE TAG - cmd quote 1 #MERGE LINES - alt m merges lines etc 1 2 3 would become 123 after selecting it and pressing alt m WRAP STUFF IN EMMET ABBREVIATIONS 1, make a selection 2. ctrl a 3. type the emmeet eg h2 will wraip it <h2> text selecction </h2> if you have it in css mode ctrl a and type bgc background-color: ffff; text selection (not as usefull in this case) WOAAAh ctrl e runs emmet on the line <section> <article> <div class="frankie"> <p>so you wrote some stuff in a block of text</p> </div> </article> </section> cmd a cmd e are the big ones!!

Monday, March 4, 2024

dont sleep on rtf format

safari is cool because when your share from reading list to notes it captures the title with a thumbnail. if you share again from notes to mail you can get it out with the links. if you share anywhere else like textastic for example, you just get the url because its plain text!!! PLAIN TEXT that was the the problem. Well you can open up text edit and cmd shift T to make it RITCH TEXT and if you dont have any pictures you can save it as a html file!!! another thing that I thought was kind of neat was you can conver the ritch text in an email to a pdf althought it sucks because you have the to and from stuff in the header … its just not a clean look.

Its really nice not having to go to some sketchy website to convert RTF to HTML.or try to figure out some python script, or use pandoc, or mess around with clipboard managers.

This whole time what I was trying to do was so simple.
I just wanted to copy links and paste them somewhere else without having to go back and get the titles.
ive tried using beautiful soup to scrape the links or using regex, storing it as json/csv then templating a site with python jinja2 flask. over complicating it when it was just so simple
this whole time i could've just used RTF

name generator: namelix

 namelix AI generates business names guided by some prompts and also creates a logo also you can buy the domain name if you like what you find. Amazing.

I was just looking for something to create a new email with to experiment with google sheets sheet to store because it asks for some scary permissions Id rather just make a new account.jazz fish e commerce logos

I used fotor to combine photos but on my mac I just realized that mweb has a great feature for combining photos.)

css unit's explained

  • px is fixed doesn't resize
  • rem is better for most
  • em for margins paddings widths

ems inherit the sizing from parents.

  • % relative to parent

  • vw/vh similar to ems

  • ch character length
    ch60 for average block of text.
    sets how long a line should be

air terminal on ios

woah sounds useful for raspberry pi without wifi

AirTerminal is a Bluetooth (BLE) terminal for embedded devices such as Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Arduino Yún and more. With AirTerminal, you can easily access the console / shell of your embedded devices without a Internet / SSH connection.
(To use AirTerminal, an additional BLE serial adapter is required.)

  • Full feature terminal works with bash, vim, top, tmux and more.
  • Hardware keyboard support.
  • Addition buttons to input ESC, TAB, CTL or cursor keys easily.
  • A "Fit" button uses "stty" command to adjust terminal size automatically.
  • Support central and peripheral mode.
  • Send or receive files with XMODEM protocol

darker dark mode ios

recently discovered these setings under accessibility:

  • display and text size
  1. reduce white point
  2. color filters on
  • grayscale

easy on the brain

of course if you scroll further down there’s color tint if you want some redshift blur light blocker effect. that’s not my jam. makes me feel like i’m one of those roast ducks in the Chinese bbq. red used to be my favourite color. well i do still like it but for a phone screen no way. gray is the best. i feel like i’m watching tv in the 1950s or my phone is in metal band.

can’t copy titles on ios

yoink clipboard manager is kind of useless. I use safari reading list or make a note in textastic or notes or beorg. although having another place to dump is kind of handy sometimes, for the most part it’s tedious. on ios 14 the links don’t auto grab and the keyboard gets in the way a lot. can’t hold a candle to clip tools. *** what i found works: copy links from netnewswire to notes and then copy again will give me plain text. for some reason the titles only show in messages, email and notes but not in any text editors.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

got gmail to work in integromat!!

the oauth2 wasn’t working TURNS OUT That ublock origin was blocking the pop up!! i disabled it and then pop up appeared and now it works !!!!!

fix cmd tab window switching on mac

figured out a fix!
was so annoyed for so long having to cmd tab AND hold alt to switch windows.
turns out its an easy fix:

  1. go to system preferences
  2. keyboard
  3. shortcuts
  4. keyboard
  5. check "move focus to next window"