Sunday, April 14, 2024

whats the deal with lip trills?

Lip trills, also known as lip bubbles or lip buzzing, are a popular vocal warm-up exercise for singers and public speakers. Here's why they're important:

Physical Warm-up: Lip trills engage the muscles involved in vocal production, including the diaphragm, abdominals, intercostal muscles, and muscles around the lips and mouth. By doing lip trills, you gently warm up these muscles, preparing them for more strenuous vocal activities.

Vocal Flexibility: Lip trills help to increase vocal flexibility and agility. They require control over airflow and the coordination of various muscles, which translates to greater flexibility in vocal range and pitch control.

Relaxation: Lip trills encourage relaxation in the vocal mechanism. When done correctly, they can help to release tension in the throat and neck muscles, promoting a more relaxed and open sound.

Breath Control: Lip trills require consistent airflow, which helps singers develop better breath control and support. By focusing on maintaining a steady stream of air through the lips, singers can improve their breath management skills.

Resonance: Lip trills can also help singers develop resonance in their voices. The buzzing sensation created by the lips helps to stimulate resonance in the vocal tract, leading to a richer, more resonant sound.

Warm-up Routine: Incorporating lip trills into a regular warm-up routine can help establish a consistent vocal routine and promote vocal health. Consistent warm-ups can reduce the risk of vocal strain and injury, allowing singers to perform at their best for longer periods.

Overall, lip trills are an effective and versatile warm-up exercise that offer numerous benefits for singers and speakers alike. They are especially valuable for improving vocal technique, flexibility, and overall vocal health.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

things i learned about singing today

Larynx tips

  • lip trills
  • tongue trills

These exercises help you internalize the feeling of a lowered larynx because to maintain the buzz tone your technique has to be correct. Using this as a diagnostic feedback is very useful.

Tips on placement

“biting an apple”

imagine your biting an apple opposed to yawning. thinking of a spectrum with the pharyngeal NG forward sound on one end and back of the throat roundness of a yawn. Apple bite is the best of both gives you a more balanced tone if your leaning too far in either direction.

dissecting vocal techniques under a microscope and dipping into extremes is useful to understand techniques but its nice to have something that helps you recalibrate back to normal.

I Like to learn by experimenting and feeling what too much feels like and working back from there. The learning and unlearning processes.

sing high notes without falsetto video by power to sing.

alfred not working right

so i dropped spotlight for alfred but its annoying that even after reindexing im not getting notes or mail to show up in searches. sucks becaues spotlight usually defaults to web searches when i want to get apps.

ehhh just use both.
on my redragon TKL keyboard i used karabiner to remap
the right control key to be numpad zero
(originally to trigger shortcuts app)
just re maapped that to trigger spotlight so now ive got regular cmd space for alfred and R ctrl to be spotlight

Friday, April 12, 2024

my fav app for voice training

magic stave uses your phones mic to visualize the input frequency on a staff. helps you better understand where you fit in relation to sheet music and instruments.

the voice is a free fretless instrument its easy to get lost. midi keyboards confused me with transpose buttons i never felt any connection to what middle c was. there were a million cs and none of them were the same across different software. very disoriented felt like playing pin the tail on the donkey. spun around blindfolded.

finally some concrete answers! now i know what c3 feels like in relation to my voice. helps me understand each octave feels different and helps me better grasp when i switch gears into a mixed chest voice it feels like unlocking a map in a video game.

thats for ios

Friday, April 5, 2024

hardening ssh

  1. Use Key-Based Authentication: Instead of relying solely on passwords, use SSH key pairs for authentication. This method is more secure as it eliminates the risk of brute force attacks on passwords.

  2. Disable Root Login: Prevent direct root logins via SSH by setting PermitRootLogin no in your SSH configuration (/etc/ssh/sshd_config). Instead, log in as a regular user and use sudo for administrative tasks.

  3. Change Default SSH Port: Changing the default SSH port (22) can help reduce the number of automated attacks. Specify a custom port in your SSH configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config).

  4. Limit SSH Access: Restrict SSH access to specific users or groups who actually need it. This can be achieved using the AllowUsers, AllowGroups, or DenyUsers directives in the SSH configuration file.

  5. Use Strong Encryption Algorithms: Ensure that SSH is configured to use strong encryption algorithms. Disable weak algorithms and protocols such as SSHv1 and insecure ciphers.

  6. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Implement two-factor authentication for SSH logins. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of authentication, such as a time-based one-time password (TOTP) or a hardware token.

  7. Set Idle Timeout: Configure SSH to disconnect idle sessions after a certain period of inactivity to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access due to abandoned connections.

  8. Monitor SSH Logs: Regularly monitor SSH logs for suspicious activity, such as failed login attempts or unauthorized access. Use tools like fail2ban or sshguard to automatically ban IP addresses with multiple failed login attempts.

  9. Disable SSH Protocol 1 (SSHv1): SSHv1 is considered insecure and should be disabled in favor of SSHv2. Ensure that only SSH protocol version 2 is enabled in your SSH server configuration.

  10. Use TCP Wrappers: Use TCP wrappers (/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny) to control access to SSH services based on IP address or hostname.

  11. Implement Port Knocking: Port knocking is a security technique that involves dynamically opening firewall ports by sending a sequence of connection attempts to predefined ports. This can help conceal the SSH service and protect against port scans.

  12. Regularly Update Software: Keep your SSH server software and system up to date with the latest security patches and updates to mitigate vulnerabilities.

ssh keypair raspberry pi

I dont want to use ssh keygen because I already have a pubkey generated previously.
All the other tutorials usually start from there usually,
so heres how you get your pubkey set up on a pi if you've already got one kicking around.

cat ~/.ssh/

copy it, login to your pi.

ssh username@raspberrypi.local
mkdir -p ~/.ssh  # Create .ssh directory if not exists
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  # Create authorized_keys file if not exists
vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  # Open the authorized_keys file in a text editor

paste it in, change permissions.

chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

disable password login

you could just use raspi-config but heres how to do it from the term.

sudo vim /etc/ssh/
set PasswordAuthentication no

save and restart ssh service

sudo systemctl restart ssh

hidden network on raspberry pi fix

thought i could just ssh into it.
thought maybe i just forgot what i called the pi.
nmapped but couldnt find it. thought maybe i suck at using nmap.
logged into the router. still didn't see the pi.
ugh I really didn't want to have to get up and grab that hdmi cable.
turns out the network wasn't showing up.
makes sense, since i set the new router to hidden.
used raspi-config to add it back.
tried rebooting still wasn't showing up.


  • cd to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
  • add scan_ssid=1
       ssid="your SSID"
       psk=your PSK 

then reboot

Monday, April 1, 2024

hugo theme: stack

nice responsive card theme w a dark mode stack