tempo: 138 bpm
key: f#m
- 32 bars for intro
- 16 bar chorus
- 16 X 3 (48 bar) verse
- 16 bar breakdown
- 16 bar chorus x 2
- 32 bar outro
a pent
b pent
d pent
tempo: 138 bpm
key: f#m
a pent
b pent
d pent
dm, dm, em, am
2 64 bar chunks with a 4 bar break in the middle
c,v,pc,c BREAK v,pc,c,c
8 bar intro
16 chorus
16 vs
16 pc
16 chorus
4 bar break
16 vs
16 pc
16 chorus
16 chorus
8 bar outro
A browser extension to detect and adjust track tempo on Bandcamp
Detect and Adjust the tempo of tracks on Bandcamp
👉 Pick from ±6, ±10, ±16, or WIDE mode.
👉 Click on the percentage to reset the tempo
👉 Detect the BPM of tracks on album pages
👉 Adjust tempo on wishlist / collection page
👉 You're now a DJ!
i wonder if lgpt works using ppsspp?
i was excited when delta was added to the app store and i could run lsdj but them remembered i don’t like the sound on the wave channel in emulation.
lsdj has the best interface of all trackers in my opinion. handheld with just 2 buttons is perfect. lgpt is basically the same but made to run samples which is perfect because i really wanted 808s and breakbeats.
lgpts weakness is chords. you have to go lane by lane and line everything up. it’s made for beats and baselines that’s where it shines. it would be perfect to find a phone case that has gameboy style buttons that connects to bluetooth for a perfect handheld tracking experience.
squarebeat i was excited for but keyboard control was never a priority instrthe focus was on touch and that just rubs me the wrong way. might as well use fl mobile.
ios has many options that leave things to be desired my favourite is still koala sampler and audio evolution for laying things out horizontally.
sandbox for the other blog to practise posting and try out ideas. build up that muscle memory.