Friday, November 29, 2024

breakbeat archive

some classics
archive breaks

script to grab every break from that site in one go. (instead of having to click download 38 times)

I learned about exponential backoff while trying to figure this out

Warped, stretched and joined them using Reaper into one big file called


so you can chop anywhere on a downbeat at either 80 or 160bpm and get something going.


is a youtube channel with a bunch of perfecly cut loops on it i recently found out about early this week.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

How To Search Wikipedia From CLI And Copy To Clipboard

wikit on github

npm i wikit -g

add this to your .bashrc

# wiki search from terminal to clipbard
wiklip() {
    read -p "Enter search term: " search_term
    wikit "$search_term" | xclip -selection clipboard
    echo "Copied summary of '$search_term' to clipboard."

Friday, November 22, 2024

Wifi On Peppermint OS Devuan

trying out Peppermint with a non systemd distro. wifi was only working on ethernet.

sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source

How To Center A Vim Search

Trying to find if i can switch from ALSA to pulse audio in the renoise.xml config. alsa doesn't share audio so when I have reaper running and try to open renoise it poops its pants and I have to go in and manually switch the driver to something that isnt jack (because jack isn't set up and I don't wanna have to deal with qjackctl if I don't have to).The

Add this to your .virmc:

" Center Searches
nnoremap n nzz
nnoremap N Nzz


.* is everything in the middle of the comment

optional, in command mode in vim type:

:set hlsearch

Thursday, November 21, 2024

change screen resolution on raspbian

I tried sudo raspi-config to chnage display resolution but in the new 64 bit os it doesn't come installed as an option. The fix:

sudo apt install arandr

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

raspberry pi loopback not working potential fix

forum post about it

My fix for getting audio out of renoise and into reaper on linux mint didn't work on my pi. Raspberry pi switched ALSA for pulse audio so snd-loopback isn't fount in the script

open manpages in vim

Learned this trick from the mental outlaw video "The Best Way to Learn Linux" This opens manpages in Neovim:

export MANPAGER='nvim +Man!'

This one uses regular vim:

export MANPAGER="vim -M +MANPAGER -"

Teal Deer (TLDR)

offline cheat sheets

sudo apt install tldr
tlr --update


offline wiki documentation in the terminal

wikiman releases on github

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ./wikiman*.deb

usb sata ssd not working on pi4

Orico HDD enclosure 2189U3-BK-BP. too bad. It was on sale I should've maybe just spent 5 bucks more and gotten something that works. (maybe that one would also not work?) The jms578 and jms579 JMicron chips I think aren't compatible. Its slower than running off a micro sd unfortunately and other times it just doesn't boot up.

Forum post about a fix involving disabling UAS USB SATA cable fix by leepsvideo on youtube

his fix involves using lsusb to get the numbers to add to the /boot/cmdline.txt (spaces are fine but no newlines.) what i would put for the orico (it still didn't work)


I think I read somewhere that the Pi boots from the blue USB ports only maybe Il try the other ones and see if that works, then maybe a powered hub before giving up and returning it.. or maybe il see if i can run linux mint on my other computer with it

Yeah I was right

I got it to work on the other USB ports but not reliably on the blue ones

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

disable/ enable livetext

settings > general > language > turn off livetext

on iPhones it's annoying when you try to select a photo and it starts grabbing text but sometimes its really useful. like for screenshotting error logs and chatgpting them

Fixing Tiny Font In I3 On Fresh Raspian

just installed xorg-xserver and i3 onto a Kingston A400 SSD for my pi4 running a fresh install of lite Raspberry pi64. I3 uses i3-sensible-terminal for the terminal which references some terminal on your system but i forgot what it was.

The terminal is uxterm

The fix:

vim ~/.Xresources

UXTerm*faceName: Monospace
UXTerm*faceSize: 12

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

windows vsts on linux with Yabridge

yabridge github page ubuntu/debian releases-yabridge 5.1.1.tar.gz

extract it to this directory


add yabridge to your path in .bashrc

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/share/yabridge"

How to use:

  • yabridgectl add '/home/mint/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/VstPlugins/'
  • yabridgectl sync

for yabridge add make sure its the path you've got your vsts. you might need to change it if you have them somewhere different

Breeze icons - Rounded Corners

So I installed catalina style ones on my pi4, But on my mint-air I tried the breeze Icons. They are a little crispier than the mac ones might just go with those. Also saw these ones with rounded corners maybe I'll take those ones for a spin.

Breeze Rounded Corners - XFCE Breeze Icons on Github

Monday, November 18, 2024

how hide/show hidden files in cmus

With the default keybindings, you can press i to show hidden files. Alternatively, you can set the show_hidden option.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Remember To Clear Your Font Cache

If you installed a new font int ~/.local/share/fonts but they still aren't showing up you gotta do this:

fc-cache -fv

raspberry pi mac icons

put them in in ~/.local/share/icons (the hidden directory inside your home directory not /usr/local so you dont need to sudo move it after all)

OS Catalina

dark theme for pcmanfm on raspberry pi

sudo apt install arc-theme

90s sample cds + piggy tracker manual

so I don't need to keep giving that video page views

here are the links from that vid description in

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Getting mpv to play from yt-dlp

alias tube='yt-dlp "$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)" -o - | mpv - --force-seekable=yes'

using yewtube to search, pressing x 1 selects the first option and copys it to clipboard, here im using xclip so when I ad this to my .bashrc when i run the alias tube it uses the xclip url as an argument passed into the script

I was having trouble with the old version of yt-dl beingused to open links with mpv and I tried symlinking the new one over the old one but that fix didn't end up working for me. Its been bugging me for a while because other players like ytfzf also depend on the old version that were broken because of the old package

Connecting A Bluetooth Keyboard On Raspberry Pi 4

There are 2 cli apps I used for this

  • bluetoothctl
  • blueman-applet

using bluetoothctl:

scan on
pair (address)
enter the code on keyboard + press  enter

before it wasn't showing the code to enter and it was just failing to connect without warning in i3 desktop butafter trusting it in blueman-applet it worked? i was about to go into the settings and just enable everything but I guess I didn't need to resort to that

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

more robust version of blogpost vim script

this should work with the edge cases. my old one would get choked up processing h2s and make would poop its pants and i'd have to manally rerun my automation. hopefull this fixes it. also i hadded some debugging checks that go off when i send to give a lil info incase it doesn't go through just to help me see whats goin' on better.

looks like the regex is screwing up the codeblock unfortunately

function! Blogpost()
    " Get the current buffer content
    let l:buf_content = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")

    " Debugging: Show the full content of the buffer
    echo "Buffer Content:"
    echo l:buf_content

    " Try to extract the first heading tag (h1 through h6)
    let l:title = ''
    for l:i in range(1, 6)  " Loop through heading levels 


let l:heading = matchstr(l:buf_content, '\(.*\)') if l:heading != '' let l:title = substitute(l:heading, '\(.*\)', '\1', '') break endif endfor " If no heading found, print error if l:title == '' echo "No heading found (


)." return endif " Debugging: Show extracted title echo "Extracted Title:" echo l:title " Extract content after the first heading let l:content_start = matchend(l:buf_content, '.*') let l:content = strpart(l:buf_content, l:content_start) " Debugging: Show the extracted content echo "Extracted Content:" echo l:content " Check if title and content are not empty if l:title == '' || l:content == '' echo "Error: Missing title or content." return endif " Create a dictionary for the JSON payload let l:json_dict = { \ 'title': l:title, \ 'content': l:content \ } " Convert the dictionary to JSON let l:json_payload = json_encode(l:json_dict) " Debugging: Show the JSON payload echo "JSON Payload:" echo l:json_payload " Create a temporary file to hold the JSON payload let l:tmpfile = tempname() call writefile([l:json_payload], l:tmpfile) " Prepare the curl command let l:cmd = 'curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @' . shellescape(l:tmpfile) " Run the curl command let l:output = system(l:cmd) " Clean up the temporary file call delete(l:tmpfile) " Show the output or errors echo l:output endfunction " Create a command to run the function command! Blogpost call Blogpost()

Pulsar Is My New Favorite Editor

move over brackets (vim is still classic though) Its got emmet, live server and a decent dark theme out of the box

Pulsar's download page

Overriding Htdocs Security In Xampp

Maybe (probably) not best practices but at least it this allows you to work with the folder. By Default its wayy too locked down where you can't even delete the default files that come with xampp or install anything into the folder. I was trying to install wordpress before and because I had no read/write permissions it was broken. Here is my fix on linux where lampp is in opt/lamp. If you are on a raspberry pi I think its in /var/www/html

sudo chown -R YOURUSERNAMEGOESHERE:daemon /opt/lampp/htdocs
sudo chmod -R 775 /opt/lampp/htdocs

Html Colors I Like

I really Like the colors luke smith picked out for his website at the stylesheet I noticed he actually used named webcolors instead of rgb or hex colors

  • navajowhite
  • goldenrod
  • gold
  • tomato
  • lime

Adding Xampp To Path

in .bashrc add

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/lampp

Sunday, November 10, 2024

typing speeds

20,000 words how long does it take?

Last time I checked Sean Wrona was the man with the highscore in endurance typing of 174 over 50mins. If I wanted to churn through 20,000 words in an hour Id need to type roughly around 333wpm.

Kind of reminds me of that video where they try to calculate how hard would you need to slap chicken to cook it (food theorists say 1 3725mph slap) or how many slaps it would take? (in 2021 Lois Weisz said 135,000 slaps for 6-8 hours)

WPM Time (Hours and Minutes)
40 8 hours 20 minutes
50 6 hours 40 minutes
60 5 hours 33 minutes
70 4 hours 17 minutes
80 4 hours 10 minutes
90 3 hours 20 minutes
100 3 hours 20 minutes
110 3 hours 0 minutes
120 2 hours 46 minutes
130 2 hours 35 minutes
140 2 hours 22 minutes
150 2 hours 13 minutes
160 2 hours 5 minutes
170 1 hour 52 minutes
180 1 hour 40 minutes
190 1 hour 34 minutes
200 1 hour 40 minutes
210 1 hour 30 minutes
220 1 hour 27 minutes
230 1 hour 26 minutes
240 1 hour 20 minutes
250 1 hour 12 minutes
260 1 hour 9 minutes
270 1 hour 7 minutes
280 1 hour 4 minutes
290 1 hour 2 minutes
300 1 hour 0 minutes
310 0 hours 58 minutes
320 0 hours 56 minutes
330 0 hours 54 minutes
340 0 hours 52 minutes
350 0 hours 51 minutes
360 0 hours 50 minutes

Thursday, November 7, 2024

hamster cms links not working fix

in htdocs create a .htaccess file with

RewriteEngine On

# Rewrite /page-name to /?p=page-name
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?p=$1 [QSA,L]

after that, restart xampp

also if the cms isn't working properly make sure the htdocs dir has proper permissions set for reading and writing.

hamster cms DOS8 (best dark theme)

ascii_yellow is also a good theme

Monday, November 4, 2024


I learned about this today and I think its the greatest thing