Groovin in G had a tutorial about hacks in renoise. He had one where he used a midi to keystroke tool to set an lfo to cycle through samples that triggers a keystroke to switch between samples. I looked into it and Bome's midi translator is kind of expensive so heres a python script that does the same thing
import mido
import pyautogui as pg
# Replace 'INPUTPORT' with your MIDI input port name, e.g., 'CASIO USB-MIDI:CASIO USB-MIDI MIDI 1 16:0'
input_port = 'CASIO USB-MIDI:CASIO USB-MIDI MIDI 1 16:0'
# MIDI note 36 and 37 correspond to the notes you want to trigger the hotkeys for
NOTE36 = 36 # Alt + Down Arrow
NOTE37 = 37 # Alt + Up Arrow
# Open the MIDI input port
with mido.open_input(input_port) as inport:
for msg in inport:
# Check for "note on" message (status byte 144-159 for "note on")
if msg.type == 'note_on':
if msg.note == NOTE36: # Check if the pressed note is MIDI note 36
print(f"MIDI note 36 pressed: {msg}")
# Send Alt + Down Arrow
pg.hotkey('alt', 'down') # Simulate Alt + Down Arrow
elif msg.note == NOTE37: # Check if the pressed note is MIDI note 37
print(f"MIDI note 37 pressed: {msg}")
# Send Alt + Up Arrow
pg.hotkey('alt', 'up') # Simulate Alt + Up Arrow