Friday, March 7, 2025

clean amps

softamp fm25 - axp
softamp gt

these delays by arc dev noise industries are nice

dropbox link

the guy who made that plugin makes folk dub shoegaze as terminal sound system

a beautiful machine
terminal soundsystems website

My top picks lately
cyclotron, et-301, dubb box, quilcom bfp, madshifta by tobybear, synthscience freezechamber, the oli larkin ones like gatecomb, the demo of endless series

Thursday, March 6, 2025

wohlstand opl3 bank editor

opl3 bank editor
vinyl goddess
I want the bass patch from lvl 1 crush. cant do anything with vgm files.(plogue portasound could but hasn't been ported to linux yet) disco dsp opl loads sbi files. i think i could use opl3 bank editor to convert .snd files to work and even use it in adlib tracker.

flangers, binaural, ringmod, saturation, compressors

lisp de-esser - sleepy time dsp
et-200 bbd delay
wah bundle
decimator - toby bear
formant filter - oli larkin
auto talent
rp-pan - panner doppler
spatializer - hrtf binaural by blue lab audio
stereo width - blue lab audio
stc-3 raz audio(looks like blue lab one above)
multiband stereo faker - klanglabs
anaglyph 3d binaural spatializer
sjoe dualband stereo enhancer - terrywest
binaural sim - gregjazz
ms - terry west
rs rotothree leslie rotary
brandulator modulated comb filters
dd flanger
syncersoft flanger(bass landscapes)
IO ring mod - b serrano
madring ring mod - novaflash
nasty DLA - vos
timewarp vibrato
adam monroe tremolo
flanger box - synthscience
bfp barberpole flanger - quilcom
gt ringmod - glitchtek
cab enhancer - acme bargig
ts-1 - samsara cycle audio vinylizer
echomachine - plektron
vocalizer formant filter - aquest
vowel filter - tobybear
trileveler 2 sonic anomaly
sn01-G vca bus compressor - senderspike
sl63x - smacklabs
modern deathcore distressor clone - antress
devils compressor
dynamic freq lim - sir sicksik (mb transient shaping/ dyn eq)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

FL Maximus compression envelopes

this really helps you understand how this plugin works.