Friday, June 30, 2023

IOS databases

some suggestions from gpt
  1. tap forms
  2. airtable
  3. memento
  4. filemaker go
  5. handDbase - looks ancient
  6. mobiDB - looks good
tap forms looks nice but pricy, saw another one called general database that looked ok.

for a sql db i saw
  1. SQLiteFlow -sqlite
  2. Database viewer plus
  3. SQLpro for SQLite
  4. Navicat
  5. Base - sqlite
apparently sqlite is preinstalled on mac: gui called db browser
  • postgresql
  • mongodb
  • mysql
sqlite is serverless while mysql uses client-server architecture
sql- replication, distributed transactions, clustering, high performance scalablility.
mysql - embedded on local filesystem

explainingcomputers: explaining libreoffice database 

image to text

OCR optical character recognition

saw photopea had an extension for it but it doesn't work on my moms computer.

this one does 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

long screenshots

on mac mojave 10.14 and up

- cmd shift 5 

on iphone double tap a regular screenshot and select full page

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

styling google forms


this makes life so much easier!
you first learn about forms in html and there basically useless until you have a backend set up. so i was trying to learn php and that was such a headache just getting everything installed. setting up a server and installing sql. then learning about form validation and security ufdshjkf so much to learn just to get a simple form setup. I get that its worth it to take your time and dig in deep so you don't get hacked or spammed. 

E-commerce with google sheets

Monday, June 26, 2023

All the 251s

my drawing of all the 251s

I was looking at the MPCs 4 x 4 pads. got me thinkin 4 x 2 = 8 thats an octave in 1 key. 12 for semitones most of the time you don’t even use all those anyway though. 3 major keys, 3 minor nobody uses the diminished.

All the 251s in all 12 keys

1/3 of all 12 keys

2 5 1 6 4
Cm7 F7 Bbmaj7 Gm Ebmaj7
C#m7 F#7 Bmaj7 Abm7 Emaj7
Dm7 G7 Cmaj7 Am7 Fmaj7
Ebm7 Abm7 C#maj7 Bb-7 F#maj7

2/3 of all 12 keys

2 5 1 6 4
Em7 A7 Dmaj7 Bm7 Gmaj7
Fm7 Bb7 Ebmaj7 Cm7 Abmaj7
F#m7 B7 Emaj7 C#m7 Amaj7
Gm7 C7 Fmaj7 Dm7 Bbmaj7

3/3 of all 12 keys

2 5 1 6 4
Abm7 C#7 F#maj7 Ebm7 Bmaj7
Am7 D7 Gmaj7 Em7 Cmaj7
Bbm7 Eb7 Abmaj7 Fm7 C#maj7
Bm7 E7 Amaj7 F#m7 Dmaj7
  • 4x 4 is 16 haha
  • its not 12 thats great news
  • that means you get off easy …this time
  • less to memorize.

when i was looking at those pads on drum machine I was thinking what if each one was a 2-5-1.

The Byzantine Scale Chords

  1. Major, Augmented
  2. Major, Minor, Diminished
  3. Major, Minor, Augmented
  4. Min, Diminished, Sus2
  5. N/A
  6. Augmented
  7. N/A

the scale in C

  1. c
  2. c#
  3. e
  4. f
  5. g
  6. g#
  7. b

its a 7 note scale just like the major scale: c, d, e, f, g, a, b.
how to get to it from major

  • flat the 2 and the 6.

“another name for byzantine is double harmonic major”

instead of thinking of the 6 I just think of the cycle of 5ths and restart my frame of reference half way up to only see the 2s relative to the first half of the scale its less to think about that way.

i just think of it as phrygian on top of phrygian.

the whole half diminished scale is the closely related octatonic cousin of the byzantine.

  1. c
  2. c#
  3. eb
  4. e
  5. f#
  6. g
  7. a
  8. a#

drawn to the symmetry. I was messing around with diminished and like the harmonic potential of wh but i would always go back to this scale. taking away some of those notes just felt better to me.

wikipedia says…

Symmetry and balance

The double harmonic scale features radial symmetry, or symmetry around its root, or center note. Breaking up the three note chromaticism and removing this symmetry by sharpening the 2nd or flattening the 7th note respectively by one semitone yields the harmonic major and Phrygian Dominant mode of the harmonic minor scales respectively, each of which, unlike the double harmonic minor scale, has a full diminished chord backbone.

This scale (and its modes like the Hungarian minor scale) is the only seven-note scale (in 12-tone equal temperament) that is perfectly balanced; this means that when its pitches are represented as points on a circle (whose full circumference represents an octave), their average position (or “centre of mass”) is the centre of the circle.[6]

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Saturday, June 24, 2023

umbrella repair

Got a great umbrella at Dollarama. was really solid all around except the flimsy aluminum cross beams that bent in the wind. No i'm not throwing it out. Put a splint on it now it kicks ass. I fixed it and its better than before. its almost too powerful. It wont crumple. its kind of like those dogs with titanium teeth. puts those 20$ umbrellas to shame.

The Clove Hitch

The trick to making a splint is to tie a midline clove hitch around the chopstick to start it off then wrap it multiple times, finishing it off with another clove hitch. and of course you want to do some overhand knots and singe the ends to prevent fraying. I used hi viz poly cord "guy line" 

the above example is good for hanging stuff up. you can use it to attach stuff on carabiners.

Q: Why chopsticks? A: they came with bbq pork/ wood is good.

I got my chopsticks from the asian supermarket in jackson square. I was on a Sriracha quest but they didn't have. :(

Friday, June 23, 2023

Alan Holdsworth

This guy is nuts!

the wiki about him -->>

Allan Holdsworth (6 August 1946 – 15 April 2017)[1] was a British jazz fusion and progressive rock guitarist and composer.

Holdsworth was known for his esoteric and idiosyncratic usage of advanced music theory concepts, especially with respect to melody and harmony. His music incorporates a vast array of complex chord progressions, often using unusual chord shapes in an abstract way based on his understanding of “chord scales”, and intricate improvised solos, frequently across shifting tonal centres. He used myriad scale forms often derived from those such as the Lydian, diminished, harmonic major, augmented, whole tone, chromatic and altered scales, among others, often resulting in an unpredictable and dissonant “outside” sound. His unique legato soloing technique stemmed from his original desire to play the saxophone. Unable to afford one, he strove to use the guitar to create similarly smooth lines of notes. He also became associated with playing an early form of guitar synthesizer called the SynthAxe, a company he endorsed in the 1980s.

Holdsworth has been cited as an influence by a host of rock, metal and jazz guitarists such as Eddie Van Halen,[2] Joe Satriani,[3] Greg Howe,[4] Shawn Lane,[5] Richie Kotzen,[6] John Petrucci,[7] Alex Lifeson,[8] Kurt Rosenwinkel,[9] Yngwie Malmsteen,[10] Michael Romeo,[11] Ty Tabor,[12] Fredrik Thordendal,[13] Daniel Mongrain,[14] John Frusciante,[15] and Tom Morello.[16] Frank Zappa once lauded him as “one of the most interesting guys on guitar on the planet”,[17] while Robben Ford has said: “I think Allan Holdsworth is the John Coltrane of the guitar. I don’t think anyone can do as much with the guitar as Allan Holdsworth can.”[18]

his harmony is so weird

he invented his own system for conceptualizing scales outside of regular music theory. hes on a whole other level. he visualizes the entire fretboard as one scale.

I came across him from marbinmusic’s channel I was looking up stuff on byzantine/double harmonic major/ modes of harmonic minor.
he looks like spagett.


primes nvim key-remaps

primagen’s nvim key-maps

Harpoon key-maps

<leader> + a = add
ctrl + e = menu
ctrl + h = 1
ctrl + t = 2
ctrl + n = 3
ctrl + s = 4

Telescope Key-maps

<leader> + pf fuzzy find files
ctrl + p fuzzy find git
<leader> + p s grep search

Vim Fugative Remap

<leader> + gs git status


ctrl P/ ctrl n next/ prev
ctrl + y accepts
ctrl space starts completion

relative line numbers i dont get them.

  • investigate Join command in vim.
  • ctrl d and u are in the middle in this setup
  • <leader> + p paste delete over selected into “void register”
  • <leader> + y = plus register ( yank to system clipboard)
  • <leader> d in norm/ vis mode delete to void register
  • ctrl + F = tmux switch
  • quick fix list??
  • <leader> + s = replace word your on
  • <leader> + x = chmod +x without having to leave vim

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Web scraping python

Scrape and dump to SQLite using python 

Cool tutorial on scraping Wikipedia and dumping it to an SQLite database using the mechanical soup library in python

Link to article

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Harmonic minor

 Exploring harmonic minor

  1. Harmonic minor
  2. Locrian #6
  3. Ionian #5 (aug maj)
  4. * Ukrainian dorian (dorian #4)
  5. Phrygian dominant
  6. * Lydian #2
  7. 6 Super-Locrian (alt)
* these 2 are of interest bc they both have a m6 or a m7b5 that can be built off them.

Visualizing it in C

Make a c dim triad (C,Eb,F#,A)
Now build 4 harmonic minor scales off of each of those root notes.
Sounds like 4 random keys
What do all these keys have in common?
A 7b9 chord on the 5
This chord can be spelled out rootlessly using 1 diminished chord, D dim (D,F,G#,B)
F dim,  G# dim, B dim are all inversions.

In C the minor 1-5 Cm to G7b9
In Eb the minor 1-5 Ebm to Bb7b9
In F# the minor 1-5 F#m to C#7b9
In A the minor 1-5 Am to E7b9

The most Interesting thing is the Major7 that lives on the 6th degree of Harmonic Minor.
The Lydian #2 mode is so cool.
You’ve got these 4; 

In Cm you’ve got Abmaj7
In Ebm you’ve got Bmaj7
In F#m you’ve got Dmaj7
In Am you’ve got Fmaj7

This is your new home, your new point of reference. Meet the neighbours.
A half step down you’ll find the 5 chord.
The Phrygian dominant: its like a mixolydian b2, b6 and of course b7.

But what’s so cool about that maj7 chord is its not just major 7 
its also maj 6 AND minor 6.
And where theres minor 6s that means theres m7b5 because m6 inverted are the same as half diminished.

In Cm:
Abm6 = Fm7b5

Second degree: Locrian #6 is home to another half diminished. 
In Cm: Dm7b5 = Fm6
The fm6 lives on the 4th mode: Ukrainian Dorian. What’s cool about this guy is you can add the 9 to get fm69.

So thats cool 4th mode has fm7b5 AND fm6 with a 9.

One last thing i wanna say is that in Cm, the abmaj7 you can flat the 5th. UNIQUE! 

work these chords into your hands in close voice block chords.
Then  once you’ve got that down you will be able to harmonize the harmonic minor scale by alternating between each of the different voicings and warping into the 3 other keys with the d diminished.

These are my diagrams for the other keys.
That’s visually how I think about it.

Harmonic minor doesn’t have a minor 6 chord on the one like melodic minor. I often like to borrow it anyway because I like the movement options it brings.

7th mode of melodic minor has more even sound imo 
than the harmonic minors 7th mode.

These are some hand signals for musicians. My  teacher told me he played with some jazz ppl who also had secret signals to modulate and alter chord quality. Highly skilled improvisers can really run with this.

Thursday, June 15, 2023


What Is RSS? 

Like a dashboard that combined your subscribed websites together into one page. Instead of manually bookmarking and visiting individual sites it automatically aggregated them for you before we had social media. 

Benefit of rss 

Maybe less addictive/brain damaging. The info isn’t filtered by a complex algorithm designed to keep you endlessly scrolling. It displays the newest articles on top and if you run out of articles that’s it.

>> an article about why google got rid of their rss reader.,just%20didn't%20add%20up.

With reddit now charging for their API people are pissed their favorite 3rd party readers aren’t working. Made me think of olden times.

How To Set up TT RSS

Newsboat - RSS in the Terminal

Rss on iphone 

NetNewsWire is the app i chose to roll with. I like it’s dark theme. I like how you can make a widget on your Home Screen to show latest articles/ unread articles.

Arabic maqam

There are 72 heptatonic scales in maqamat

holy shit! 
now regular major scales in all 12 keys and modes  doesn’t seem as daunting in comparison; at least your not dealing with microtones.

ive been thinking alot about the 6th mode of the harmonic minor scale lately.
that lydian sharp# sound. its so cool it can be diminished m6, minor maj7, major7, major 6. its got that phrygian kinda sound love recentering my whole world to revolve around it instead or the major key paradigm. love mapping out its alterations.

Thinkin bout those bebop scales

what is the passing tone for each?
  • dorian bebop = the major 3rd
  • melodic minor = the #5 (just like regular barry harris)
  • harmonic minor = the b7
  • dominant = natural 7
WH scale = good for diminished 7

HW = 713b9

ALT = 1,b2,b3,3,#4,b6,b7,8

Thinkin bout  those minor scales

what do they have in common? what sets them apart?
obviously they all have a minor third.
  • melodic minor is just major scale with a flat 3 its got a natural 7 so does
  • Harmonic minor again with the maj 7 also got b6
  • dorian phrygian aeolian all have b7
  • phrygian flat 2 obviously. also flat 6 b7
  • natural minor (aeolian) aeoli sauce. has flat 6 also like phrygian
okay so phrygian and aeolian have b6 and of course b7 and b3.
they can be ordered in sequence with each one having one more alteration than the last.

  1. major scale: NOTHING!!
  2. melodic minor: b3 = 1
  3. dorian: b3,b7  = 2  = 2
  4. aeolian: b3,b6,b7 = 3 
  5. phrygian: b2,b3,b6,b7 = 4
btw the font im using is redhat mono.
I like monotype fonts. reminds me of the terminal.
I like permanent marker . monotype fonts also remind me of the realbook. like something that was hammered out out a typewriter and then photocopied.

Now that I figured out how to use newsboat I am going to consider accessibility more. I love being able to read stuff in the terminal. bloggers editor is ugly as hell its like a flash bang. I got into using stack-edit to write in markdown bc it uses bloggers api. but what sucks are the changes aren't always synced up if you want to make some changes sometimes the main one is a few commits behind and its easy to save over a blog. its cool that is can be used with local storage but its annoying having to nuke it every time and pull down the latest changes because theres a welcome text file you gotta delete every time. its kind of stupid having to use a whole other website to edit a site. Thats what got me looking for other alternatives. Hugo markdown and github pages, although each one kind of has its own things going for it. Now that I know you can easily link youtube videos in a blogger post thats a huge plus. its kind of hacky to do that on gh pages.  its a whole process.

How to get youtube videos on GH pages 
  • take a screenshot 
  • shrink the image. on iphone i think theres an app callred resizr?  make it 320px
  • i use mweb to upload the image to imgur and grab the md link
  • make a link and put the image  markdown inside where the text description would go
its like a russian nesting doll of markdown inside markdown.
all that just for  yt video because gt doesn't do youtube iframe embedding. but yeah its cool that it can be done its just a whole lot of hassle. you really learn to appreciate it when you don't need to go to all that trouble and it just works.


as much as I love nice layouts and css. It gives you perspective when its all gone. A bare bones page in the terminal is wonderful. I tried to rassle with the blogger layout and didn't get too far with it even after I learned a bit of html css and javascript i figured they just don't give you that much freedom and i've kind of made peace with it and learned to cope. The github page i've gone all in on styling and its taken me away from what I was actually trying to say in the first place. I welcome this change. no bs-ing here. you couldn't do it if you tried and i like that.

multiple bash commands

how to make good one liners in bash

  • use semicolon
  • use &&

How to mkdir and then cd into it

  • dollarsign underscore
  • that lets you cd into the new dir you just made
    “this is what you would type to move from your desktop, make a new folder called music and cd into that folder.”
    cd desktop; mkdir music && cd$_

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

web tools

web tools

Keyboard reccccomended

Targus Keyboard
I invested in a nice 100ish dollar keyboard once, Logitech Bluetooth one from Best Buy unfortunately lost it when I was sick. I had this stomach problem I felt like i needed to throw up but couldnt. Instead of sticking fingers down my throat I decided to drink… I dont usually even drink but I decided to go all in and planned my night around it. I bought groceries for my post puke recovery all these healthy foods. But then I blacked out in a park and woke up sleep walking down the street and my backpack was gone and so was my keyboard. I told this. To Nelson and he seed “ go get help go get therapy”.

Anyway I went to London drugs on grandville and found a sweet deal for this keyboard the “Targus Multi-platform Bluetooth AKB55TT” for 19.99$.

Its lightweight runs in AAA bats. V portable weighs nothing “ feels like I’m wearing nothing at all”.

Price and weight and BT are very important to me. I don’t wanna be carrying around a brick. My goal was to get the laptop typing experience with my phone. To replace my laptop because i cant live life worrying about a 2000$ MacBook getting stolen or rained on. I cant afford to keep loosing these keyboards. This one has served me wonderfully. In 2023 this is what i found at London drugs closest to the ol’ faithful.

There’s a similar clone on amazon I’ve seen floating around. Ive also seen a white model some Japanese knock off at value village.

It would be really sweet to have 300 bucks to blow on a keyboard with mechanical switches custom key caps.

It sucks loosing a keyboard. Especially a really nice one ugh. It’s been 4 years.
Ive been taking good care of my stuff.
Haven’t lost anything haven’t blacked out. It bugged me being told to go get help.

nobody’s around when you need them and i was doing my best to take care of myself i just went a little to far.

even if i didnt black out i was already against the idea of having an expensive thing that could be easily lost. I lost and it just depended me into the search for a disposable alternative. Just in case. Because everything is temporary. I didnt want to be heavily invested in something that had a monopoly over my ability to write, like my MacBook. Still got the MacBook, upgraded the battery, upgraded the phone battery too I take good care of my stuff.


double column grids

Used to think blogger sucked. thought the html editor was ugly and lacked features. kind of like it now, just keep a tab with codepen open to generate some boilerplate and emmit. I like to put comments with emojis so i can find my way around better visually. One thing i didnt understand before was line wrapping in text editors. knowing when to break the line and why. my big breakthrough was when using this vim editor on iphone called buffer. Whats the point in using jk to go up down when you have arrow keys? Realized that arrow takes you up to the above text (like any normal editor) while j and k go to line numbers!!! So that can be really annoying untill you wrap your head around it. Its actually really great if you untrain yourself to stop pressing enter to manually break the line in between tags. I hated how they didnt go all in with the vim commands in buffer. its lacking the {} jumping)( vi} it was really bugging me but the good thing at least was that it forced me to get creative with moving around. using /? to jump to words because T and F dont work either which is brutal. at least It taught me some new tricks by trying to think how to get the motion i want by working backwards from the available commands in the manual. I never wouldve come up with that if my default choices were available. (idk if theres no rel line jump or i forgot to turn it on) at the time I thought gg23 was too much to type if i wanted to go down to 23 was trying b and w around but i got some good practise also with ^ $ 0 going to the start of the lines and entering in text with a and i. really getting to know the dif between the two especially when editing the beggining of a tag vs the end of a tag. I edited 20 articles, converting the headings and p tags from plain text to html. it really got me thinkin. really good vim drill. its those times where you really appreciate what vim can do for you. when you think about going back to the mouse afterwards its actually painfull.

Aww I broke it. Switching to the compose mode may lose a part of your content. once you go in too deep and save, you can't get out of html mode. and theres no live server live vscode. well I guess you can just keep ol trusty codepen going in another tab and just push the changes manually from time to time. that grid generator is also soo good. emmits got me feeling powerfull "div.links>a*2". yeah okay it kind of sucks a little bit that you your going in blind and if you break your code theres no going back but thats also part of the fun. "its not a bug its a feature". yeah thats still not good. probably just coping so hard I have no clue anymore I need to sleep. It was really good for a while though untill it broke and now theres a big gap a the top for no reason and I dont know how to get rid of it. is it my emojis? i hope not. maybe an unclosed tag somewhere. I think the emojis are a bunch of unicode symbols put together and maybe there spelling out something like blank space ampersand (n b s p). arrgs thats bugging me now. Theres this thing called "bike sheddding" where you waste a bunch of time on something less important when dividing up your time between tasks. something to be avoided. maybe this instance isnt that but it reminds me of that word I recently learned. losing the big picture getting hung up on details. And time goes on. thats the problem is being able to focus is a gift and a curse. some people cant focus at all. sometimes the best thing you can do is fold up your laptop and walk away from the computer to touch the grass. go outside get some sunlight. breathe the good air. go for a walk. thats where the real good ideas come from. no good ideas happen in front of a computer. its all from the walking around in the forest thats where real websites come from.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Griddy Newspaper

Trying to make Griddy Newspaper layout In Css

 grid layout generator

apparently images screw up your grid sizes. to fix this instead of img i used background-image

background-size: contain; 
background-repeat: no-repeat 

but then the problem is they take up zero px.

 I found this out when I set a media query with flex and all the pictures disappeared.
Tried to add the imgs again with a mq to to set display:vanish when over 800px in the flex layout.
but that wast working for me either. This time they wouldn't vanish. also they were slightly offset from the original so they appeared doubled.