Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Beatmaking In Reaper

loop recording midi thats the one I wanted to watch actually. You need to right click on the track and choose loop overdub and make a new empty midi clip otherwise it punches in a random spot and you have to glue it.(2:43)
  • automatic arm when track selected
  • in actions list set:
  • track: go to next/prev track (ctrl alt down or num pad down (num 8/9))
  • r click, track recording settings, quantize on input
  • make sure you have sws extensions so you can get rs5k for reasamplomatic
  • ive got it mapped to f1
hot to set up rs5k setting up reapers piano rollalsa is giving me bad latency on linu mint with pulse audio. jack would probably work better but I hate dealing with that so I'm looking for a way to improve the piano roll and just draw everything in. The problem is the piano roll has no grid lines.(oh its alt G to fix that)
  • in piano roll: options > cc velocity lane > show note length
  • view > piano roll notes > show velocity and names
  • options > drawing or selecting note sets note length
  • options > midi and mouse modifiers > dropdown to midi piano roll > left click set default action from deselect all notes and move edit cursor to just insert
  • actions > set alt u to split notes on grid(like fl)
  • r click tool bar > customize toolbar, you can add chordgun chord shortcuts to toolbar!
  • options > shift left drag set it to just select instead of off grid note grow
  • i have f4,f3, mapped to pull up chordgun
  • shift + numbers inserts chord
  • cmd b = sws render tracks to stereo stem tracks obeying time selection (bounce in place)

Hackytracky (renoise keybinds)

  • ctrl + shift return = duplicate pattern
  • space + shift/space = play, play from
  • ctrl + up/down switch midi item
  • return = loop

2 shortcuts to make the reaper piano roll more like fl

ctrl + mousewheel view: zoom vertically (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)
multivert view: adjust vertical scroll (MIDI CC / osc only)

iddqd's tutorials are so essential i mapped num 1/2 to transpose updown and shift num 1/2 for octave like groovin in g. 5 and shift 5 for moving in 5ths. (first time creating custom actions v cool!). zebra shading was something i was really missing from fl (being able to see 8 bar chunks. Turning off the looping of midi clips in the set it and forget it vid

usefull actions for midi editing in reaper 5 reaper options for midi editing you need to know Vertical Background Zebra Shading (1-min REAPER Tips) | #shorts
  • the js multiwaveshaper is a sweet distortion
  • 50 hz kicker sub enhancer
  • "big booty bass enhancer" I think its like waves rbass?
  • paranoia mangler a bit crusher

How To Controll Sunvox With A Gamepad

This Is Cool!

Sunvox Keyboard Shorcut Modifications

shift 7/8 is cyclic shift, but I also have ctrl shift alt up/down for it. Its like renoise's super nudge tool that way.

how to quickly throw down a 4 on the floor untz untz techno beat:
with your step inc set to 1 add 8 bass drum notes. ctrl a, then ctrl p. for hi hats same thing but use cyclic shift to move them to the off beats

moving between patterns with shift fn arrow keys because on my logitech pebble keys it makes sense otherwise its shift pgup pg down home end.

f1 f2 f3 switch between pattern, timeline and modules. shift space is play from line, r command is play pattern, return is play from beginning, esc is stop

shift selecting is tedious for multi line selections its better to use set selection start and end points with ctrl 9 and 0 and using shift tab like a reverse index instead of having to shift and arrow over all the way over to select an entire chord. Ctrl L plays a line but it also copys it to brush so you can then use ctrl g to paste that line really important to know for working with chords

esc stop
r cmd play pattern
shift + right cmd play from line
shift + 7/8 cyclic shift selection
ctrl p expand to fill selection
space edit
fn shift + arrows (macbook otherwise ctrl shift) move between patterns
1 note-off
f1 pattern mode
f2 timeline
shift + enter insert
fn f3 module view
ctrl + b copy to brush
ctrl + g paste from brush
ctrl + l play line
shift space play from line

ctrl 9 starts selection, ctrl 0 ends selection. You can ctrl b to copy the selection to brush, ctrl g to paste the block and shift -/= to transpose that block

Monday, December 30, 2024

readinglist shortcut v2

no css just plain

buchla, bryface, dave smith, kurzweil

Reading List

Patch Notes: Hélène Vogelsinger - YouTube
Suzanne Ciani: a masterclass in modular synthesis - YouTube
Moog vs Buchla: The Control Voltage Race | Astonishing History of Synths Ep. 3 - YouTube
Mort Subotnick on funding the buchla - YouTube
Bright Sparks Documentary - A Side - YouTube
Buchla - Electronic Music as Performance Art | Synthplex 2019 - YouTube
Don Buchla talks The Acid Test, NASA, and Moog | Red Bull Music Academy - YouTube
Suzanne Ciani on the Buchla | Red Bull Music Academy - YouTube
Web Extra: Who Was Don Buchla? - YouTube
01- The Littoral Myth- Part 1: Introduction - YouTube
ContinuuCon :: Tony Rolando on East Coast/West Coast Synthesis - YouTube
East Coast and West Coast synthesis - YouTube
West coast synthesis explained on the Buchla Easel V by Arturia - YouTube
Buchla Easel Command & Moog Grandmother | Eastcoast vs. Westcoast Synthesis | Thomann - YouTube
OVERFLOW #004 (Vancouver, BC - Dec. 27) | Teaser - YouTube
MAGFest 2019: Chiprave feat. Graz, bryface, HarleyLikesMusic, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, & chibi-tech - YouTube
OOPS! Plucks Only (Dirtywave M8) - YouTube
Harley Likes Music - Live at Square Sounds Australia 2014 (Whole show) - YouTube
bryface - Live at Square Sounds Australia 2014 (Whole show) - YouTube
8static Festival 2016 -- Day 2 -- bryface - YouTube
OC ReMix #2860: Chrono Trigger 'Crow Note Rigger' [Chrono Trigger] by bryface - YouTube
Game Boy Chiptunes with bryface! - Electric Playground Interview - YouTube
bryface - Blip Tokyo after-party @ Sabako (24.10.2011) [Full set] - YouTube
Square Sounds Tokyo 2018 SPECIAL ACT! bryface with Bolcoantes on Visuals Sun 16th Sept 2018 - YouTube
Editing JS Plugins in REAPER - YouTube
THIS is the BEST iOS DAW in 2023! - LOOPY PRO 🔥🔥🔥 - YouTube
Bad Gear - E-MU Orbit 9090 - YouTube
YAMAHA AN1x Demo & Review - YouTube
Bad Gear - Yamaha CS1x - Not Exactly My Thing - YouTube
Rhythm Roulette: Jake One | Mass Appeal - YouTube
making a beat with dollar bin vinyl - ASR-X Pro & MPC2000 - YouTube
(RARE) Kanye West Making A Beat In the Studio - YouTube
Bad Gear - Dave Smith Instruments Mopho - Giving the Pro-1 a Bad Name??? - YouTube
Syntaur Presents: Dave Smith, Founder of Sequential - YouTube
Joe Rogan Experience #2117 - Ray Kurzweil - YouTube
Hans Zimmer - Wikipedia
Ray Kurzweil - Wikipedia
Robert Moog - Wikipedia
Dave Smith (engineer) - Wikipedia
SSEYO Koan Generative Music s/w was used by Brian Eno: Where now?
Wotja 3 - Reflective Music System - Customising a Noatikl Player - YouTube
PLUGINS 4 FREE - Free Audio Plug-ins Archives: Arguru Software
Alienated Buddha - The Graveyard (Original Mix) - YouTube
Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius - Wikipedia
Q+A: Where do I get a hurdy gurdy and how much are they? // PATTY GURDY - YouTube
REAPER | ReaPlugs
Destroy FX: Transverb
DFX Scrubby by Destroy FX - FSU Plugin VST Audio Unit

gruvbox theme for sunvox


Renoise Tools For Editing, cyclic shifting + fast euclidian polyrhythmic fills

Place Notes Evenly
works great with Supernudge
Vsti From Menu lets you choose next + prev vst patch from a hotkey! I set (- for prev and shift - for next) random-plug
The Reaper Plugins

the reajs plug is a big deal! all those reaper plugins can run in renoise! (or any other daw),

  • saike dum drum

Sunday, December 29, 2024


propulse is a protracker clone that looks like schism

Saturday, December 28, 2024

audiolayer for sampling auv3

inter device audio IADM and midi i don't think it works on linux. but I could use audiolayer to make some soundfonts and bring those into renoise
demo of the auto sampling feature

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Adlib Tracker Keyboard Shortcuts (emacs org file for folding)

** General Commands

 F1                       Help
 F2 (^S)                  Save file
 F3 (^L)                  Load file
 F4 (^A)                  Toggle Nuke'm dialog
 F5                       Play
 F6                       Pause
 F7                       Stop
 F8                       Play song from current pattern or order
 F9                       Play current pattern or order only
 [Ctrl] F8                @F8 from current line ┐
 [Ctrl] F9                @F9 from current line ├ (Pattern Editor)
 [Alt] F6                 Single-play pattern   ┘ (Shift toggles trace)
 [Alt] F5                 @F5 ┐
 [Alt] F8                 @F8 ├ without synchronization
 [Alt] F9                 @F9 ┘
 [Shift] F2               Quick Save
 [Shift] F3               Quick Load
 [Shift] F5               F5 with Trace
 [Shift] F6               Toggle Debug mode from position at cursor
 [Shift] F8               F8 with Trace
 [Shift] F9               F9 with Trace
 [Shift] Space            Toggle MidiBoard mode ON/OFF
 ^Space                   Toggle Note Recorder mode ON/OFF (if possible)
 [Ctrl] Home,End          Skip to previous/next pattern while Tracing
 +,-                      Same as above; play pattern from start
** Recorder Mode
  ^Left,^Right     Select group of tracks for recording                 
  Enter            Start recording from current position (*)            
  Space            Toggle using custom instrument for all tracks ┐      
  [Alt] Space      Toggle using present instruments in tracks    ├ ref. 
  MBoard keys      Write notes to corresponding tracks           │ (*)  
  F8,F9            Toggle pattern repeat OFF/ON                  ┘      
  Backspace        Clear note/instrument sequence in tracks             
  ^Backspace       Clear complete note/instrument columns               
  Up,Down          Rewind/Fast-Forward while recording                  
  [Shift] Up,Down  Increase/Decrease row correction for writing notes   
  [Shift] F6       Continue in Debug mode from position at cursor       
  F7               Stop recording and reset starting position;          
                   current group of tracks can be modified              
  [Alt] 1..9,0     Toggle track channel ON/OFF (Shift toggles 1X)       
  [Alt] R          Reset flags on all tracks                            
  *                Reverse ON/OFF on all tracks                         
 │ Enter        Playback is paused and cursor stays on position      │
 │ Esc          Cursor jumps to last position and playback continues │
 │ [Shift] Esc  Cursor stays on position and playback continues      │
 Note that playing with Trace and playing without synchronization can be
 set up in configuration file (see options "trace_by_default"
 and "nosync_by_default")
 ^Enter                   Play next pattern according to order
 ^Left  (Up)              Rewind current pattern (with Trace)
 ^Right (Down)            Fast-Forward (with Trace)
 [Ctrl]{Shift} Up,Down    Change playback speed up/down {fine stepping}
 [Ctrl]{Shift} Up+Down    Reset playback speed {default speed}
 [Ctrl][Alt]   Temporarily show Debug Info window
 ^B                       Toggle Message Board window
 ^D                       Toggle Debug Info window
 ^Q                       Toggle Instrument Macro Editor window
 ^G                       Toggle Arpeggio/Vibrato Macro Editor window
 ^M                       Toggle Macro Browser window
 ^F                       Toggle Song Variables window
 ^H                       Toggle Replace window
 ^I                       Toggle Instrument Control panel
 ^E                       Toggle Instrument Editor window
 ^O                       Toggle Octave Control panel
 ^P                       Toggle Pattern List window
 ^R                       Toggle Remap Instrument window
 ^T                       Toggle Transpose window
 ^X                       Toggle Rearrange Tracks window
 ^1..^8                   Quick-set octave
 [Alt] +,- (Up,Down)      Adjust volume level of sound output
 [Alt] C                  Copy object to clipboard (with selection)
 [Alt] P                  Paste object from clipboard
 [Alt] M                  Toggle marking lines ON/OFF
 [Alt] L                  Toggle Line Marking Setup window
 [Alt] 1..9,0             Toggle track channel ON/OFF (Shift toggles 1X)
 [Alt] S                  Set all OFF except current track (solo)
 [Alt] R                  Reset flags on all tracks
 *                        Reverse ON/OFF on all tracks
 F10                      Quit program
 F11                      Toggle typing mode in Pattern Editor (AT-►FT-►ST)
 F12                      Toggle line feed in Pattern Editor
 [Shift] F12              Toggle jump to marked line in Pattern Editor
 [Ctrl][Tab] [...] (*)    Scroll Volume Analyzer section (if necessary)
 (*) Up,Down,PgUp,PgDown
 [Alt|Ctrl]{Shift} F11    Toggle WAV recording ON
 [Alt|Ctrl]{Shift} F12    Toggle WAV recording OFF
 │ FUNCTiONALiTY OF ALTERNATiVE KEYS                    │
 │ Alt    Toggle normal recording mode                  │
 │ Ctrl   Toggle 'per track' recording mode             │
 │ Shift  Toggle Fade in / Fade out sound processing    │
 │ POSSiBLE COMBiNATiONS: Alt,Ctrl,Alt+Shift,Ctrl+Shift │
 If 'per track' recording mode is activated and song playback is stopped
 you can exclude/include corresponing tracks from/to being recorded
 with ordinary track selection procedure:
 [Alt] 1..9,0             Toggle track channel ON/OFF (Shift toggles 1X)
 [Alt] S                  Set all OFF except current track (solo)
 [Alt] R                  Reset flags on all tracks
 Up,Down,Left,Right       Cursor navigation
 PgUp,PgDn                Move up/down 32 patterns
 Home,End                 Move to the top/end of pattern order
 Tab,[Shift] Tab          Move to next/previous entry
 Insert                   Insert new entry
 Delete                   Delete entry
 Backspace                Clear entry
 ^Space                   Enter skip mark
 ^C                       Copy entry to clipboard
 ^V                       Paste entry from clipboard
 +,-                      Adjust entry
 ^F2                      Save module in tiny format
 Enter                    Switch to Pattern Editor
 Note that 80-FF pattern number range causes a jump in pattern order.
 syntax: order_number[hex](+80h); e.g. "9A" jumps to order 1A
 Up,Down,Left,Right       Cursor navigation
 PgUp,PgDn                Move up/down 16 lines
 Home,End                 Move to the top/end of current pattern
 Tab,[Shift] Tab          Move to next/previous track
 [Shift] PgDn,PgUp (+,-)  Move to next/previous pattern
 [Shift] Home,End         Move fwd./bckwd. to the first/last pattern
 ^Home,^End               Move to the end/top of previous/next pattern
 Space                    Advance to next row
 ^PgUp,^PgDn              Transpose note (block) halftone up/down
 Backspace                Remove note or clear attributes
 Insert                   Insert new line (within track only)
 Delete                   Delete line (within track only)
 [Shift] Insert           Insert new line
 [Shift] Delete           Delete line
 [Shift] Enter            Toggle fixed and regular note
 ^K                       Insert Key-Off
 ^C                       Copy object at cursor to clipboard
 ^V                       Paste object from clipboard
 [Alt][Shift] P           Paste object from clipboard to more patterns
 ^Z                       Undo last operation (if possible)
 {Ctrl} "[","]"           Change current instrument
 [Alt] F2                 Save current pattern to file
 ^F2                      Save module in tiny format
 [Shift] F3               Quick load recent pattern data
 Enter                    Switch to Pattern Order
 VALiD NOTE ENTRiES: C,C-,C#,C1,C-1,C#1...
 │ BLOCK OPERATiONS IN PATTERN EDITOR                               │
 │ Starting to mark a block: [Shift] Up,Down,Left,Right             │
 │ When at least one row in one track is marked, you can continue   │
 │ marking also with PgUp,PgDn,Home,End (Shift is still held down!) │
 │ Quick mark: [Alt] Q (1x-2x-3x) track ─> pattern ─> discard       │
 │ Toggle last marked block: [Alt] B                                │
 │ ^B  Blank block  (Insert blank block to pattern)                 │
 │ ^C  Copy block   (Copy block to clipboard)                       │
 │ ^D  Delete block (Remove block from pattern)                     │
 │ ^N  Nuke block   (Clear block contents)                          │
 │ ^V  Paste block  (Paste block from clipboard to pattern) (*)     │
 │ ^X  Cut block    (Combine both Copy and Delete operation)        │
 │ (*) PASTE BLOCK OPERATION VARIANTS                               │
 │ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                               │
 │ "Paste block" operation has three other functional variants      │
 │ with different key shortcuts for activation:                     │
 │ 1) [Alt] V toggles "Mix block" operation, when block data        │
 │    from clipboard is applied without overwriting existing data;  │
 │ 2) [Shift] ^V toggles "Selective paste block" operation,         │
 │    when only block data from clipboard corresponding to current  │
 │    cursor position is being applied (i.e. note, instrument,      │
 │    1st effect or 2nd effect).                                    │
 │ 3) [Alt][Shift] V toggles "Flipped paste block" operation,       │
 │    when block data from clipboard is applied vertically flipped. │
 │                                                                  │
 │ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                          │
 │ When there is block marked, which contains some effect           │
 │ commands carrying volume information, you can increase/decrease  │
 │ their values with +/- keys.                                      │

Furnace Tracker Shortcuts (html Table)

New Ctrl-N
Open file Ctrl-O
Save file Ctrl-S
Save as Ctrl-Shift-S
Undo Ctrl-Z
Redo Ctrl-Y
Play/Stop (toggle) Return
Play (from beginning) F5
Play from cursor Shift-Return
Step row Ctrl-Return
Octave up Keypad *
Octave down Keypad /
Previous instrument Shift-Keypad /
Next instrument Shift-Keypad *
Increase edit step Ctrl-Keypad *
Decrease edit step Ctrl-Keypad /
Toggle edit mode Space
Metronome Ctrl-M
Toggle full-screen F11
Panic F12
Window activation
Find/Replace Ctrl-F
Debug Menu Ctrl-Shift-D
Close current window Shift-Escape
Command Palette Ctrl-P
Note input
see "note input" section after table
Transpose (+1) Ctrl-F2
Transpose (-1) Ctrl-F1
Transpose (+1 octave) Ctrl-F4
Transpose (-1 octave) Ctrl-F3
Increase values (+1) Ctrl-Shift-F2
Increase values (-1) Ctrl-Shift-F1
Increase values (+16) Ctrl-Shift-F4
Increase values (-16) Ctrl-Shift-F3
Select all Ctrl-A
Cut Ctrl-X
Copy Ctrl-C
Paste Ctrl-V
Paste Mix (foreground) Ctrl-Shift-V
Move cursor up Up
Move cursor down Down
Move cursor left Left
Move cursor right Right
Move cursor up by one (override Edit Step) Shift-Home
Move cursor down by one (override Edit Step) Shift-End
Move cursor to beginning of pattern Home
Move cursor to end of pattern End
Move cursor up (coarse) PageUp
Move cursor down (coarse) PageDown
Expand selection upwards Shift-Up
Expand selection downwards Shift-Down
Expand selection to the left Shift-Left
Expand selection to the right Shift-Right
Expand selection upwards (coarse) Shift-PageUp
Expand selection downwards (coarse) Shift-PageDown
Move selection up by one Alt-Up
Move selection down by one Alt-Down
Move selection to previous channel Alt-Left
Move selection to next channel Alt-Right
Delete Delete
Pull delete Backspace
Insert Insert
Mute channel at cursor Alt-F9
Solo channel at cursor Alt-F10
Unmute all channels Alt-Shift-F9
Instrument list
Add instrument Insert
Duplicate instrument Ctrl-D
Move instrument up in list Shift-Up
Move instrument down in list Shift-Down
Edit instrument Shift-Return
Instrument cursor up Up
Instrument cursor down Down
Instruments: toggle folders/standard view Ctrl-V
Wavetable list
Add wavetable Insert
Duplicate wavetable Ctrl-D
Move wavetable up in list Shift-Up
Move wavetable down in list Shift-Down
Edit wavetable Shift-Return
Wavetable cursor up Up
Wavetable cursor down Down
Wavetables: toggle folders/standard view Ctrl-V
Sample list
Add sample Insert
Duplicate sample Ctrl-D
Sample Editor: Create wavetable from selection Ctrl-W
Move sample up in list Shift-Up
Move sample down in list Shift-Down
Edit sample Shift-Return
Sample cursor up Up
Sample cursor down Down
Samples: Toggle folders/standard view Ctrl-V
Previous order Up
Next order Down
Order cursor left Left
Order cursor right Right
Order: Toggle alter entire row Ctrl-L
Add order Insert
Duplicate order Ctrl-D
Deep clone order Ctrl-Shift-D
Copy current order to end of song Ctrl-E
Deep clone current order to end of song Ctrl-Shift-E
Remove order Delete
Move order up Shift-Up
Move order down Shift-Down
Sample editor
Sample editor mode: Select Shift-I
Sample editor mode: Draw Shift-D
Sample editor: Cut Ctrl-X
Sample editor: Copy Ctrl-C
Sample editor: Paste Ctrl-V
Sample editor: Paste replace Ctrl-Shift-V
Sample editor: Paste mix Ctrl-Alt-V
Sample editor: Select all Ctrl-A
Sample editor: Resize Ctrl-R
Sample editor: Resample Ctrl-E
Sample editor: Amplify Ctrl-B
Sample editor: Normalize Ctrl-N
Sample editor: Fade in Ctrl-I
Sample editor: Fade out Ctrl-O
Sample editor: Insert silence Insert
Sample editor: Apply silence Shift-Delete
Sample editor: Delete Delete
Sample editor: Trim Ctrl-Delete
Sample editor: Reverse Ctrl-T
Sample editor: Invert Ctrl-Shift-T
Sample editor: Signed/unsigned exchange Ctrl-U
Sample editor: Apply filter Ctrl-F
Sample editor: Zoom in Ctrl-=
Sample editor: Zoom out Ctrl--
Sample editor: Toggle auto-zoom Ctrl-0
Sample editor: Set loop to selection Ctrl-L

Sunvox Keyboard Shortcuts (html Table)

Navigating through patterns was a huge one that was missing from the defaults! I mapped shift home/end/pgup/pg down for it. on my logitech pebble keys thats shift fn arrow keys. I would've just done shift but thats already used to make selections. I tried to use control but that is used to select instruments.

undo CTRL + Z
redo CTRL + Y or SHIFT + CTRL + Z
new project or object (module/pattern/...) CTRL + N
selection begin CTRL + (
selection end CTRL + )
select all CTRL + A
copy CTRL + C
paste CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT
duplicate / clone CTRL + D
detach: detach the selected modules from the rest or convert the clones to the normal patterns; CTRL + H
insert an empty note and shift the pattern content down; or just insert something INSERT (or Command+I on Mac)
delete previous note and shift the pattern content up; or just delete something BACKSPACE
delete DELETE (or Fn+Backspace on Mac)
exit the application ESC
new project CTRL + SHIFT + N
load project CTRL + O
save project CTRL + S
save project to BACKUP.sunvox CTRL + B
set octave number F1...F8
octave up SHIFT + )
octave down SHIFT + (
play current note (in the pattern editor) and copy it to the brush CTRL + E
play current line (in the pattern editor) and copy it to the brush CTRL + L
paste from the brush CTRL + G
edit mode ON/OFF SPACE
increase the edit step CTRL + '='
decrease the edit step CTRL + '-'
insert ""Note OFF"" (==) CAPSLOCK or '~'
insert a special command ""Set Pitch"" (SP) K
insert a special command ""Previous Track"" (<<) SHIFT + K
paste and mix CTRL + M
select track CTRL + T
interpolate values CTRL + I
interpolate velocity CTRL + U
transpose up (+1 semitone) SHIFT + '='
transpose down (-1 semitone) SHIFT + '-'
transpose octave up (+12 semitones) SHIFT + ']'
transpose octave down (-12 semitones) SHIFT + '['
place selected events evenly CTRL + P
cyclic shift up SHIFT + 7
cyclic shift down SHIFT + 8
randomize module controllers CTRL + R
module link/unlink SHIFT + mouse movement
write the value to the pattern SHIFT + controller value change
next module SHIFT + >
previous module SHIFT + <
next synth CTRL + >
previous synth CTRL + <
next module horizontally (to the right) CTRL + RIGHT
previous module horizontally (to the left) CTRL + LEFT
next module vertically (below) CTRL + DOWN
previous module vertically (above) CTRL + UP
toggle mute CTRL + 1
toggle solo CTRL + 2
toggle bypass CTRL + 3
unmute all modules CTRL + 4
find a module CTRL + F
change the size of all modules SHIFT + scroll wheel
change the size of the selected module CTRL + scroll wheel
Description Keys
play/stop F9
play from beginning F10
play pattern F11
stop F12
record start/stop SHIFT + F9
play from the pattern cursor SHIFT + F10
go to beginning SHIFT + F12
write a microtone (Set Pitch XXYY command) to the pattern SHIFT + touch
first button on the left Y or ENTER
last button on the right N
cancel ESC
buttons from left to right 1...9

MilkyTracker Shortcuts (html Table)

Ctrl-Alt-Space (cycles thru pattern/instrument/sampler section)
Alt-Enter Switch between full screen and windowed display (Windows & SDL)
Shift-Command-F Switch between full screen and windowed display (OS X)
Shift-M Mute current channel
Ctrl-Shift-M Invert muting
Shift-U Un-mute all
Ctrl-Shift-T Open a new tab
Ctrl-Shift-W Close current tab
Ctrl-Shift-Left Select previous tab
Ctrl-Shift-Right Select next tab
Alt-= Increment instrument number of all notes in the current selection
Alt-- Decrement instrument number of all notes in the current selection
Ctrl-Shift-= Increment instrument number of all notes in the current track under the cursor
Ctrl-Shift-- Decrement instrument number of all notes in the current track under the cursor
F1…F8 Select octave
Space Toggle pattern editor focus (edit mode on/off)
Enter Play song from current order
Ctrl-Enter Play current pattern from beginning
Shift-Enter Play current pattern from cursor position
Shift-F9 Play current pattern from beginning (same as Ctrl-Enter)
Shift-F10 Play current pattern from position after the first quarter of the pattern length
Shift-F11 Play current pattern from position after the second quarter of the pattern length
Shift-F12 Play current pattern from position after the third quarter of the pattern length
Alt-Space Play song from current row (stop and return when keys are released)
Shift-Space Play row by row
Esc Stop
Ctrl-F Toggle song follow
Ctrl-P Toggle prospective pattern view
Ctrl-W Toggle pattern wrapping
Ctrl-L Toggle pattern change behavior (live mode)
Ctrl-O Load song
Ctrl-S Save song
Ctrl-Shift-S Save song as…
Ctrl-Q Exit program
Alt-F4 Exit program
Cursor keys Move around
Tab Jump to next channel
Ctrl-Tab Jump to previous channel
PageUp Jump 16 rows up
PageDown Jump 16 rows down
Home Jump to first row
End Jump to last row
F9 Jump to beginning of the pattern
F10 Jump to position ¼ through the pattern
F11 Jump to position halfway through the pattern
F12 Jump to position ¾ through the pattern
Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-Y Redo
Shift-Cursor keys Select block
Shift-Alt-Cursor keys Extend block
Ctrl-A Select entire pattern
Ctrl-X Cut
Ctrl-C Copy
Ctrl-V Paste
Ctrl-Shift-V Convert current pattern to sample
Ctrl-I Interpolate values
Delete Delete note/instrument/volume/effect/parameter
Shift-Del Delete note, volume and effect at cursor
Ctrl-Del Delete volume and effect at cursor
Alt-Delete Delete effect at cursor
Insert Insert space on current track at cursor position
Shift-Insert Insert row at cursor position
Alt-Backspace Insert space on current track at cursor position (alternative for keyboards with no Insert key)
Shift-Alt-Backspace Insert row at cursor position (alternative for keyboards with no Insert key)
Backspace Delete previous note
Shift-Backspace Delete previous row
The key right of LShift Enter key-off
The key below Esc Enter key-off (Windows only)
1 Enter key-off (OS X only)
Alt-Plus or Shift-J Increase Add value
Alt-Minus or Shift-H Decrease Add value
Ctrl-J Increase BPM by 1
Ctrl-H Decrease BPM by 1
Ctrl-K Increase BPM by 5
Ctrl-G Decrease BPM by 5
Alt-I Load Instrument (current slot)
Mousedrag selection move selection
Shift+Mousedrag selection clones selection (when 'advanced dnd' is enabled in Misc-tab in config)
Alt-F7 Transpose current instrument in block down
Alt-F8 Transpose current instrument in block up
Shift-F7 Transpose current instrument in track down
Shift-F8 Transpose current instrument in track up
Ctrl-F7 Transpose current instrument in pattern down
Ctrl-F8 Transpose current instrument in pattern up
Alt-F1 Transpose all instruments in block down
Alt-F2 Transpose all instruments in block up
Shift-F1 Transpose all instruments in track down
Shift-F2 Transpose all instruments in track up
Ctrl-F1 Transpose all instruments in pattern down
Ctrl-F2 Transpose all instruments in pattern up
Ctrl-Shift up/down Select next/previous sample
Shift & drag Quick draw
Shift & drag Quick draw
Ctrl & drag Resize selection
Alt & drag Move selection or loop range
Ctrl-Alt-A Advanced edit
Ctrl-Alt-C Configuration
Ctrl-Alt-D Disk Operations
Ctrl-Alt-I Instrument editor
Ctrl-Alt-R Disk Recorder
Ctrl-Alt-S Sample Editor
Ctrl-Alt-T Transpose
Ctrl-Alt-X Main Screen
Ctrl-Alt-Z Toggle Scopes

Schism Tracker Keyboard Shortcuts (html table)

F1 Help (context Sensitive!)
Shift-F1 MIDI Screen
Ctrl-F1 System Configuration
F2 Pattern Editor /Pattern Editor Options
F3 Sample List
Ctrl-F3 Sample Library
F4 Instrument List
Ctrl-F4 Instrument Library
F5 Play Information / Play Song
F6 Play Current Pattern
Shift-F6 Play Song From Current Order
F7 Play Song From Mark / Current Row
Shift-F8 Pause / Resume Playback
F8 Stop Playback
F9 Load Module
Ctrl-L Load Module
Shift-F9 Message Editor
F10 Save Module
Ctrl-W Save Module
Shift-F10 Export Module To WAV,AIFF
F11 Order List And Panning
Ctrl-F11 Schism Logging
F12 Song Variables & Directory Configuration
Ctrl-F12 Palette Configuration
Shift-F12 Font Editor
{} Decrease / Increase Playback Speed
Ctrl [] Decrease / Increase Playback Tempo
[] Decrease / Increase Global Volume
Alt-F1-> Alt F8 Toggle Channels 1->8
Ctrl-D Toggle Mouse / Keyboard Grab
Ctrl-E Refreseh Screen And Reset Cache ID
Ctrl-G Go To Order / Pattern / Row Given Time
Ctrl-I Reinitialize Sound Driver
Ctrl-M Toggle Mouse Cursor
Ctrl-N New Song
Ctrl-P Calculate Approximate Song Length
Ctrl-Q Quit Schism Tracker
Ctrl-Shift-Q Quit Without Confirmation
Ctrl-S Save Current Song
Ctrl-Alt-Enter Toggle Fullscreen

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Producers - Dec

Todd Edwards
GZA Bobby Digital
Ian Kirkpatrick
Calvin Harris
Mike Dean
Rick Rubin

killer resources for learning fm synthesis

javelinart.com's guide to fm synthesis of real instruments.pdf
The chipsynth md manual has an excellent diagrams to help you wrap your head around picking the right alg to get the sound in your head
Porta FM manual breaks down 2op fm
Ctrix's Deflemask tutorial breaking down 4-op fm de mystifies the genesis SSG-EG retrigger env shapes which is gold
Diode Milliampere's synth clap tutorial in Ableton Operator
Brainpalace's VOPM tutorial. VOPM is soo good
Navie D's Sytrus Tutorial
FM in Schism Tracker

Dealing With Compressed Files In The Terminal

Extracting Common Compressed Formats on Linux

Extracting Common Compressed Formats on Linux

Incase you only have access to a Terminal here is how you would deal with 10 common compressed files. (like if your on a headless raspberry pi or sshd in from somewhere else)

  1. .tar.gz or .tgz (Gzip compressed tarball):

    tar -xvzf file.tar.gz
  2. .tar.bz2 (Bzip2 compressed tarball):

    tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2
  3. .tar.xz (XZ compressed tarball):

    tar -xvJf file.tar.xz
  4. .zip:

    unzip file.zip
  5. .rar:

    Install unrar first:

    sudo apt install unrar

    Then extract:

    unrar x file.rar
  6. .7z (7-Zip format):

    Install p7zip-full first:

    sudo apt install p7zip-full

    Then extract:

    7z x file.7z
  7. .gz (Single compressed file, not tarball):

    gunzip file.gz
  8. .bz2 (Single compressed file, not tarball):

    bunzip2 file.bz2
  9. .xz (Single compressed file, not tarball):

    unxz file.xz
  10. .Z (Compressed with compress):

    uncompress file.Z

Replace file with the actual name of your compressed file. For .tar formats, the options (-x, -v, -f) can be combined with the respective compression type (z for gzip, j for bzip2, J for xz).

Friday, December 20, 2024

FL Studio Keyboard Shortcuts Quizzes

my fl studio keybinds quiz 351 questions

I merged them into that one mega set but that link requires you to sign in and make a quizlet account. I had multiple embed codes before with all the seperate quizzes but it was making the page slow from all redundant requests with every iframe tag so heres the biggest one for the piano roll 99 questions. I Decided If I had to pick one it would be that.

Idk why its not showing up on mobile. The quiz is working fine on my laptop (maybe its because I'm signed in with an account? not a fan of stuff you need to be signed in to use. defeauts the whole purpose of having it embedded on a site.

making anki flash cards for fl studio

  1.  Install Table To Csv extension by igorlogious (firefox)
  2. Right click the tables in the fl studio docs
  3. Table To CSV > Copy TEXT
  4. paste into vim, remove header columns
  5. run the substitute command in :command mode (posted below)
  6. save it as a .tsv or .txt
  7. import into anki and import with ctrl + shift + i

The Substitute Command:



Thursday, December 19, 2024

export reading list shortcut

an absolute banger of a shortcut.
it exports it to Downloads on IOS
readinglist 2 html shortcut

Friday, December 13, 2024

Thursday, December 12, 2024

How To Install Adlibtracker SDL On Linux Mint

sudo apt install libsdl1.2debian:i386

pretty sure it needs the ^ because its 32bit on a64bit system otherwise just this:

        sudo apt update
        sudo apt install libsdl1.2debian

i installed both Made a ~/.applications folder and moved at2 to that. # Made a .desktop entry inside ~/.local/share/applications # make this file:

vim ~/.local/share/applications/at2.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A tracking application


sick playlist of jungle mods by dnb rad

Renoise Breakcore Tutorial

This is a really good tutorial

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Keyboard shortcuts for Deflemask and Furnace Tracker

If your trying to Learn to make chiptune You gotta know the keyboard shortcuts. I kept pulling up the docs but they were several pages and furnace has the keybinds in the settings but its not selectable text and its dark so i couldn't screen shot so i typed this out and made this 2 columns to save paper.

  • did the tables in vimwiki
  • ran :Vimwiki2HTML to export
  • opened it in abiword
  • pasted the tables into tables
  • here is the printer friendly pdf

    furnace and defle shortcuts.pdf

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Controll Hue On Linux Using Python

 Redshift Wasn't working for me on linux mint because geoclue couldn't find location. I added the coordinates to the config and it still didn't work in redshift-gtk. I ran the CLI version with the location as arguments and it worked but the shift was pretty weak. Looked into alternatives, xrandr can adjust the hue using gamma. Heres a python script that uses tkinter to create a GUI to manipulate the values. I added brightness and limited it to 0.10 min (FOR SAFETY).

import tkinter as tk
import subprocess

# Function to update the gamma values using xrandr
def update_display(brightness, r, g, b):
    # Get the output name (e.g., HDMI-1, eDP-1)
    output = subprocess.getoutput("xrandr | grep ' connected' | cut -d' ' -f1")
    # Construct the xrandr command to change brightness and gamma for red, green, and blue channels
    command = f"xrandr --output {output} --brightness {brightness} --gamma {r}:{g}:{b}"
    # Run the command using subprocess
    subprocess.run(command, shell=True)

# Function to handle the slider change and update the display
def on_slider_change(val):
    # Get the values from the sliders (brightness, r, g, b)
    brightness = slider_brightness.get()
    r = float(slider_r.get())
    g = float(slider_g.get())
    b = float(slider_b.get())
    # Update the display settings based on the slider values
    update_display(brightness, r, g, b)

# Function to reset the gamma and brightness back to default
def reset_display():
    # Get the output name
    output = subprocess.getoutput("xrandr | grep ' connected' | cut -d' ' -f1")
    # Reset to default gamma (1.0:1.0:1.0) and brightness (1.0)
    command = f"xrandr --output {output} --brightness 1.0 --gamma 1.0:1.0:1.0"
    subprocess.run(command, shell=True)

# Create the main Tkinter window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Gamma and Brightness Control")

# Set up slider for Brightness (range 0.1 to 1.0)
slider_brightness = tk.Scale(root, from_=0.1, to_=1.0, orient="horizontal", label="Brightness", resolution=0.01, command=on_slider_change)
slider_brightness.set(1.0)  # Set initial value to 1 (default brightness)

# Set up sliders for Red, Green, and Blue
slider_r = tk.Scale(root, from_=0.5, to_=2.0, orient="horizontal", label="Red", resolution=0.01, command=on_slider_change)
slider_r.set(1.0)  # Set initial value to 1 (default gamma)

slider_g = tk.Scale(root, from_=0.5, to_=2.0, orient="horizontal", label="Green", resolution=0.01, command=on_slider_change)

slider_b = tk.Scale(root, from_=0.5, to_=2.0, orient="horizontal", label="Blue", resolution=0.01, command=on_slider_change)

# When the Tkinter window is closed, reset gamma and brightness to default
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: (reset_display(), root.destroy()))

# Start the Tkinter event loop

This one is a curses TUI instead of tkinter

import curses
import subprocess

# Function to update the brightness using xrandr
def update_display(brightness):
    # Get the output name (e.g., HDMI-1, eDP-1)
    output = subprocess.getoutput("xrandr | grep ' connected' | cut -d' ' -f1")
    # Construct the xrandr command to change brightness
    command = f"xrandr --output {output} --brightness {brightness}"
    # Run the command using subprocess
    subprocess.run(command, shell=True)

# Function to handle the slider change and update the display
def update_slider(brightness, direction):
    if direction == 'up':
        brightness = min(brightness + 0.10, 1.0)  # max value for brightness is 1.0
    elif direction == 'down':
        brightness = max(brightness - 0.10, 0.20)  # min value for brightness is 0.20
    return brightness

def draw_slider(window, y, x, brightness, min_value, max_value):
    # Create the vertical slider representation
    slider_length = 10
    filled_length = int((brightness - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * slider_length)
    # Draw the slider on the terminal
    window.addstr(y, x, "Brightness:")
    for i in range(slider_length):
        if i == slider_length - 1 - filled_length:
            window.addstr(y + i, x + 15, "*")  # This represents the slider's current value
            window.addstr(y + i, x + 15, "|")
    # Add value next to the slider
    window.addstr(y + slider_length + 1, x + 15, f"Value: {brightness:.2f}")

def main(stdscr):
    curses.curs_set(0)  # Hide cursor
    stdscr.nodelay(1)  # Make getch non-blocking
    stdscr.timeout(100)  # Refresh every 100ms

    # Initial value for brightness slider
    brightness = 1.0
    min_value = 0.20
    max_value = 1.0

    while True:

        # Draw the vertical brightness slider
        draw_slider(stdscr, 2, 2, brightness, min_value, max_value)

        # Instructions
        stdscr.addstr(14, 2, "Use Up/Down arrows to change brightness, q to quit")

        # Refresh the screen

        key = stdscr.getch()

        if key == ord('q'):
        elif key == curses.KEY_UP:
            brightness = update_slider(brightness, 'up')
        elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN:
            brightness = update_slider(brightness, 'down')

        # Update the display based on the brightness value

# Run the curses application

Friday, December 6, 2024

Qr Codes On Linux Mint

Qtqr decodes and encodes. Its exactly what I was looking for. Searching throuhg linuxlinks.com I also came across qrcp, it lets you share files over wifi by creating a qrcode

sudo apt install qtqr
qrcp website

sudo dpkg -i qrcp_0.5.0_linux_x86_64.deb
# Confirm it's working:
qrcp version

Step Edit Mode in FL Studio

This is such a sick feature that gets slept on. Requires you to have a full sized keyboard (laptop people your missing out)

  • Ctrl + E = Enable Step Edit
  • Numpad * = Forward
  • Numpad / = Backwards
  • midi key + / or * = extends length

My 4 Track Midi Template for Fl Studio

I'm using this in fl studio version 10 for quick midi sketching.

MY GM.flp

Put the template in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Image-Line/Fl Studio 10/Data/Projects/Templates/Power User

It Uses The Yamaha SGP2(S-YXG2003LE)vst

Midi CC Printable

midi cc list.pdf

Running Raspberry Pi Audio through Webaudio

Reaper Runs with Jack, The Browser Runs with Pulseaudio.

The fix:

sudo apt install pavucontroll pulseaudio-module-jack

vim /etc/pulse/default.pa

to the end of the file add:

load-module module-jack-sink
load-module module-jack-source

Getting Midi Working On Linux - a2jmidi

If You are trying to use Jack as your audio driver in Reaper your midi devices won't show up because they default to ALSA. The fix:

sudo apt install a2jmidid

Launch it by typing in the shell:

a2jmidid -e

Using Phone As A Mouse On Raspberry Pi

I Reinstalled this app Touchpad by Edovia Inc. I was Looking for it on the App store and couldn't find it. It looks like they no longer sell it on their website. They are the people who make the Screens remote desktop app. I also bought the Numpad app so i could use a TKL keyboard with the occasional numpad for renoise potentially and thats gone also. well im glad I could download it again from the app store under purchased apps.I've bought some music apps that no longer exist even though I've purchased and it feels like I bought air. The worst is when they make an upgraded version and try to sell it to you for a higher price. Im

I'm glad it works great. Now I can be Lazy and use my phone to click on things from across the room when I don't have my mouse handy

Airplay On Raspberry Pi

This is pretty cool. I'm able to beam music from my phone to my pi unfortunately the video isn't working. Might Be something to do with my I3 window manager having it run behind my terminal. The tutorial I was following said to install some other app in pikiss under the other category but when I was looking for it It wasn't there, It had been replaced for uxplay. The default setup didn't work for me so uninstalled and reinstalled it from apt. It was missing some Gstreamer libraries and once I got those installed it worked fine.

Its also important to note that the raspberry pi struggles with video because by default it wants to outpute a huge resolution so thats why there are some optimizations in that bash alias

This is what I added to my .bashrc to trigger airplay:

# airplay
alias airplay='uxplay -n "RaspberryAirPlay" -s 1600x900@45 -fps 45 -vd v4l2h264dec -vc v4l2convert -vs autovideosink -as alsasink'

Tuesday, December 3, 2024