shift 7/8 is cyclic shift, but I also have ctrl shift alt up/down for it. Its like renoise's super nudge tool that way.
how to quickly throw down a 4 on the floor untz untz techno beat:
with your step inc set to 1 add 8 bass drum notes. ctrl a, then ctrl p. for hi hats same thing but use cyclic shift to move them to the off beats
moving between patterns with shift fn arrow keys because on my logitech pebble keys it makes sense otherwise its shift pgup pg down home end.
f1 f2 f3 switch between pattern, timeline and modules. shift space is play from line, r command is play pattern, return is play from beginning, esc is stop
shift selecting is tedious for multi line selections its better to use set selection start and end points with ctrl 9 and 0 and using shift tab like a reverse index instead of having to shift and arrow over all the way over to select an entire chord. Ctrl L plays a line but it also copys it to brush so you can then use ctrl g to paste that line really important to know for working with chords
esc | stop |
r cmd | play pattern |
shift + right cmd | play from line |
shift + 7/8 | cyclic shift selection |
ctrl p | expand to fill selection |
space | edit |
fn shift + arrows (macbook otherwise ctrl shift) | move between patterns | 1 | note-off |
f1 | pattern mode |
f2 | timeline |
shift + enter | insert | fn f3 | module view |
ctrl + b | copy to brush |
ctrl + g | paste from brush |
ctrl + l | play line |
shift space | play from line |
ctrl 9 starts selection, ctrl 0 ends selection. You can ctrl b to copy the selection to brush, ctrl g to paste the block and shift -/= to transpose that block
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