
Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunvox Keyboard Shortcuts (html Table)

Navigating through patterns was a huge one that was missing from the defaults! I mapped shift home/end/pgup/pg down for it. on my logitech pebble keys thats shift fn arrow keys. I would've just done shift but thats already used to make selections. I tried to use control but that is used to select instruments.

undo CTRL + Z
redo CTRL + Y or SHIFT + CTRL + Z
new project or object (module/pattern/...) CTRL + N
selection begin CTRL + (
selection end CTRL + )
select all CTRL + A
copy CTRL + C
paste CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT
duplicate / clone CTRL + D
detach: detach the selected modules from the rest or convert the clones to the normal patterns; CTRL + H
insert an empty note and shift the pattern content down; or just insert something INSERT (or Command+I on Mac)
delete previous note and shift the pattern content up; or just delete something BACKSPACE
delete DELETE (or Fn+Backspace on Mac)
exit the application ESC
new project CTRL + SHIFT + N
load project CTRL + O
save project CTRL + S
save project to BACKUP.sunvox CTRL + B
set octave number F1...F8
octave up SHIFT + )
octave down SHIFT + (
play current note (in the pattern editor) and copy it to the brush CTRL + E
play current line (in the pattern editor) and copy it to the brush CTRL + L
paste from the brush CTRL + G
edit mode ON/OFF SPACE
increase the edit step CTRL + '='
decrease the edit step CTRL + '-'
insert ""Note OFF"" (==) CAPSLOCK or '~'
insert a special command ""Set Pitch"" (SP) K
insert a special command ""Previous Track"" (<<) SHIFT + K
paste and mix CTRL + M
select track CTRL + T
interpolate values CTRL + I
interpolate velocity CTRL + U
transpose up (+1 semitone) SHIFT + '='
transpose down (-1 semitone) SHIFT + '-'
transpose octave up (+12 semitones) SHIFT + ']'
transpose octave down (-12 semitones) SHIFT + '['
place selected events evenly CTRL + P
cyclic shift up SHIFT + 7
cyclic shift down SHIFT + 8
randomize module controllers CTRL + R
module link/unlink SHIFT + mouse movement
write the value to the pattern SHIFT + controller value change
next module SHIFT + >
previous module SHIFT + <
next synth CTRL + >
previous synth CTRL + <
next module horizontally (to the right) CTRL + RIGHT
previous module horizontally (to the left) CTRL + LEFT
next module vertically (below) CTRL + DOWN
previous module vertically (above) CTRL + UP
toggle mute CTRL + 1
toggle solo CTRL + 2
toggle bypass CTRL + 3
unmute all modules CTRL + 4
find a module CTRL + F
change the size of all modules SHIFT + scroll wheel
change the size of the selected module CTRL + scroll wheel
Description Keys
play/stop F9
play from beginning F10
play pattern F11
stop F12
record start/stop SHIFT + F9
play from the pattern cursor SHIFT + F10
go to beginning SHIFT + F12
write a microtone (Set Pitch XXYY command) to the pattern SHIFT + touch
first button on the left Y or ENTER
last button on the right N
cancel ESC
buttons from left to right 1...9

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