Thursday, August 15, 2024

TEST post from vim using vimscript

writing it in html and sending it over curl to integromat(make) it uses the json from the webhook to send over to blogger

" Define the Vim function
function! Blogpost()
    " Get the current buffer content
    let l:buf_content = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")

    " Find the first 

heading let l:title = matchstr(l:buf_content, '


') if l:title == '' echo "No

heading found." return endif " Extract the title text (remove the


tags) let l:title = substitute(l:title, '


', '\1', '') " Extract content after the first

heading let l:content_start = matchend(l:buf_content, '


') let l:content = strpart(l:buf_content, l:content_start) " Create a dictionary for the JSON payload let l:json_dict = { \ 'title': l:title, \ 'content': l:content \ } " Convert the dictionary to JSON let l:json_payload = json_encode(l:json_dict) " Create a temporary file to hold the JSON payload let l:tmpfile = tempname() call writefile([l:json_payload], l:tmpfile) " Prepare the curl command let l:cmd = 'curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @' . shellescape(l:tmpfile) " Run the curl command let l:output = system(l:cmd) " Clean up the temporary file call delete(l:tmpfile) " Show the output or errors echo l:output endfunction " Create a command to run the function command! Blogpost call Blogpost()

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