Sunday, January 19, 2025

Mobius 2.5 works great in wine on linux

Mobius 2.5 circular labs

To Enable Monitoring:
go to configuration, global parameters, and check monitor output

I remapped record from r to spacebar
instant multiply/divide to pgup/pgdown
m to mute
r to re record

It works great as a vst2 in fl studio for jamming and recording into edison.
I use fl asio for the audio driver, seems to have the least latency.
couldn't figure out how to select my audio interface so i defaulted to the 3.5 mm in and outs on my 2008 imac
In Alsamixer the input is "capture had the gain set half way.
Usually I have to crank the volume on this casiotone ct-s300 running headphone out bc its usually pretty quiet but in this case it was super distorted when I had the gain all the way up. after doing that everything sounded perfect.
I don't really mind not having to use the interface, its nice to have a simple set up that just works. less cables = less clutter, its easier on the mind.
Its great to not have to need to involve the usb hub
I love the 3.5 headphone and mic inputs on the back of this mac I never use them anymore I forgot about them. Im glad I could figure out a way to use them again.

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